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Would you like to clarify points 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 as I don’t really think you’ve made your position clear….Pagan
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Lucky, I also don’t think a club armchair season ticket would harm the broadcasters dramatically or the top few prem teams, it would though affect the teams with a smaller fan base, and that could in turn affect the product that is the premier league, as we all know what makes the prem so good is it’s unpredictability which may lessen if the difference between the haves and have nots becomes greater.
I don’t think the prem can take it in house as they don’t have the infrastructure to do so, the broadcasters have the cameras, satellites and the know how, so unless the prem are willing to invest that heavily the broadcasters have them over a barrel.
Unfortunately the profitability of the product will always come before the quality of it….Pagan
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Well having watched MOTD, all I can suggest is they need to rename VAR as GDS, goal disallowing System….Pagan
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Lucky, the only fly in the ointment is the ruling that the 3 o’clock games can’t be shown live, if that gets changed then that would open the door to simultaneous broadcasts, however I could then see that the broadcasters would go along the club armchairs season ticket route, which although would give more choice to the viewer would cause a bigger divide in the revenue that each club gets…Pagan
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Brian Clough was once asked “do you think team x are too good to go down” he answered if they were too good to go down they wouldn’t be where they are….Pagan
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Hi Lucky,
Point 1, I think Sky have the rights to show the highlights before anyone else, not sure if they still do the red button thing where you got to see extended highlights of all the games, about an hour long including adverts. BBC show their highlights after Sky. Personally I don’t think the prem give a toss about value for money, just about making as much money as they can.
Point 2, I would say the vast majority of fans follow a team of their choice, but deep down they are football fans and will watch the match that is broadcast, the broadcasters try to put out the games they think are the pick of the day. Unfortunately for us the broadcasters
Don’t work on the “the public gets what the public wants” ethos, they like the music industry work on the “the public wants what the public gets” ethos.As for why it costs more in this country I presume it’s because footy is also used to sell the whole home package. Not sure what Sky Sports costs, but I would presume £20 to £30 a month, the rest of the cost is for phone, broadband and basic tv package, in effect commit to your chosen providers core business before you can get the sports, as I said earlier it’s a loss leader without the loss.
Personally I think both the broadcasters and the prem are as bad as each other as they both want as much profit as they can squeeze out of the public, without putting anything back into the game as a whole, by that I mean grass roots etc. But the real winners are the players and agents who get paid vast amounts of money and the more they get paid the less passion they seem to have.
In short unless we get oversaturated with games and there’s a decline in interest from the public and a decline in subscribers we’re stuck where we are, and that’s the balance the broadcasters have found…..Pagan
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I can only see Man U getting a good hiding tomorrow, whether the score reflects it is another matter, but it will be a one sided game….Pagan
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Lucky, yes you’re right in one sense, but the one game only that should be available in the UK means advertising during it is at a premium, also the highlights they show should be the first time you can see them, so any advertising then should be at a premium also. If the viewing figures for the live and highlights isn’t what the advertising companies expect then the fees they pay will be lower.
Summing up if 5 million people want to watch a live game of footy on a Saturday, then there should only be one place to watch it, and businesses will pay a premium for that exposure to 5 million potential customers, streaming will drop the 5 million figure and as such will lower the payment the advertisers will pay….Pagan
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They can’t do that Mr. Balance as it’s not only footy they’re selling, it’s the phone line and broadband. You have to take those and a basic tv pack and then add the sport on. In effect footy is a loss leader without the loss….Pagan
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Lucky, they have exclusivity to the fixtures on a certain day that are available to view in the UK, they pay to have the rights to all of those games they then pick the one they want to show live. They are not allowed to show 3pm kick offs on a Saturday, so the games they pick have to move. Just because they choose not to show a game live doesn’t mean they don’t own the rights to do so. They then show the highlights of all of the games, as do the BBC on MOTD, who also pay to show highlights…Pagan
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Looking forward to watching the VAR debacles on MOTD later on….Pagan
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Mr. Balance, rail services are in the main run by private companies, the reason the services don’t run over the bank holidays is that the tracks have to be maintained and bank holidays cause less disruption….Pagan
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9s, footy wasn’t brilliant today, the team hadn’t played for 3 weeks and it showed, but they came away with a 0-3 win so a good day when all said. Cricket went well, very intensive, everything filmed and analysed, and then fed back to the kids…Pagan
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Lucky, when you say it’s no loss to Sky/BT, that’s not taking into account the fact that they are paying for exclusivity, which of course this negates…..Pagan
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Mr. Balance, not sure it’s the government’s job to encourage people to go to events, surely it’s the organiser of the events job to do that….Pagan
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Costs for live events are ridiculous, early 80s a ticket for footy was £3-4, a top rock band £3-4, Reading festival/Glastonbury £12-15 Donington (Only 1 day in those days)£10-12
What is it now? well broadly speaking top bands and prem footy £50-80, festivals £200+. Live events are now 20 times more expensive, musically that’s down to bands now making considerably less on album sales so have to make the money from touring and merchandise.
Footy is the odd one, that’s still a ridiculous increase despite the enormous amounts of money coming into the game from TV and sponsors, that increase is purely down to the greed of the players and agents…Pagan
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999, likewise I have grass roots footy this morning, followed by elite player pathway cricket this afternoon, so that’s 200 miles again today.
Enjoy the game 999….Pagan
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Lucky, yes piracy is a big problem, but the providers have that covered in the main, they’ll just up the cost of the data you need to stream the games. If they don’t cover their costs that way then they pull out and the money in our game will cease to come in, and we get left with a country of Burys…..Pagan
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The money comes from the broadcasters, who took a gamble on a product and made it a world leader, and as such sponsors want to be involved in it.
My only gripe is not the money coming into the game, it’s the money that goes straight out of it into wages and agents fees…..Pagan
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You say Sky May lose their monopoly, but they lost that a long while ago, however all it’s done is created a bidding war and a fragmented product. At least with a monopoly you paid one fee and got everything, now to get everything you have to pay three subscriptions. That in turn has put more money into the top teams and makes the divide between the top six and the rest greater.
With the amazon deal they get all games on one fixture week, so to maximise they want to show as many matches as the can, one after another.
Fans want success, success costs money.
The fans have called the tune, the piper now has to be paid…..Pagan
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