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Time for a MAUREEN IN thread yet??
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First game, first away win since January?
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Just to follow on from that Lucky, for me, whilst Poch certainly made Spurs very organised and effective, they lacked personality on the pitch and that ability to play more of the cuff at times. It’s like they were too machine like. Whilst I’m sure the players all bought into it at first, I believe that part of the reason for Poch leaving was that the players were bemoaning the “same old sessions” and saying the place was “like a regime”. Now Poch might well fire back and argue if he’d had more investment in some areas, they would have got somewhere. But if you look at Klopp at Liverpool, he got to two finals in his first part season with a mediocre squad. He got them to 4th spot the following season, the CL final the season after that, and then a CL win the following season and to within 1 point of the league title. Why? Yes he had more investment, but another big part of it was because he transmitted that huge personality of his on the pitch to the players. I just never saw that with Poch. And whilst Mourinho may well get criticised over his childish behaviour, it can’t be denied that the man has personality which he transmits to the players on the pitch. This is the difference between such managers and it’s usually the difference between success and failure.
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He’s always like a kid on Christmas morning in his early days at a club ?
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Hightown, no my dad is more of motorsport fan and used to do rallying (more amateur than professional). In football terms he claims to be a fan of both Man Utd and Liverpool ?. Hence it was my brother that brought me up on Liverpool. (Threeps is based in Germany I believe). That’s very kind of the offer, I just tend to be quite busy at the mo, but will give you a shout if I find a window!
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I have an older brother whose first game he got taken to was Liverpool back in the early 80s even though we were based closer to Manchester then, and it rubbed off on me as I grew up in the early 90s. Wasn’t easy growing up in a school predominantly made up of Man Utd fans in the Ferguson era but at least I couldn’t be accused of being a glory supporter! Used to go to a lot of the home games in the mid to late 90s so saw quite a bit of the Evans & Houllier eras – saw some interesting games to say the least. Don’t get much chance nowadays. Still based in the North West though, just a bit deeper into Cheshire now.
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Was just thinking that Lucky regarding the squad he’s getting. And you’re right, he could actually lift the mood of the unhappy players there. I actually think this could be a really good move. And already, I’m not looking forward to our away game there.
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Yep, good point about the academy players.
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Absolutely Nine, the guy is a winner and took a very average Utd team to 2nd in the league. Don’t get the hate. All managers, particularly winners, don’t always tend to be the nicest of people. As I said, look at Guardiola’s behaviour the other week sarcastically saying a big thank you to the referees and mouthing off to them during the game. Jose would have been vilified for that but Saint Pep gets a free pass.
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Nine, I suspect Levy is already consulting a thesaurus to fudge his language and say something like that there will be the “required” investment at the club if he goes for Jose. But what would the definition of “required” investment be in that case? Though as Ed alluded to some time ago, I’m not convinced José needs a blank cheque book to succeed.
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I’m not convinced by Howe. He’s too comfortable at Bournemouth, there’s no big expectations on him, even if he does get them playing nice football. Is he good enough tactically too? He’s been there for 7 years, why has he stayed so long if he is an ambitious manager?
If there’s going to be some money there, I’d go for José. Don’t get all the hate towards him, yes he can be childish, but Guardiola was hardly full of class towards the referees the other week. Had that been José, it would still be being talked about.
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Of course Levy has some audacity shifting all the blame on Pochettino, but at the same time, Pochettino knew what he was signing up for when he signed his long contract. And the chairman was always going to win out over the manager. So Poch has been used, but at the same time he’s arguably let himself be used.
As for successors, it all depends on whether Levy is finally prepared to now spend some money. If so, he can perhaps attract a big name. If not, he needs to find another miracle worker.
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No away win since January. Whatever the context of investment or lack of in recent years, a manager at a top 6 club won’t survive that.
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I love this man…
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Eddie Howe for me has got too comfortable at Bournemouth. He’s been there 7 years now and he’s clearly taken them as far as they can go. If he was ambitious for a bigger job, why hasn’t he left (even if he had to go abroad)? Ambitious managers don’t hang around waiting for the call, they move out themselves and prove their quality somewhere else and make a name for themselves. David Moyes is a classic example of where “waiting years for the call” gets you.
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Classic problem with committee type meetings like these. A lot of hot air and no actions.
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Whilst you’d expect a strong response from City, at the same time you can see their vulnerablties. I’d expect a high scoring game.
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442, it’s the obvious solution at the moment. But I don’t think it will change the farcical offside decisions.
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“Premier League referees are to be encouraged to make more use of pitchside VAR monitors, referees’ chief Mike Riley is expected to tell clubs later this week.”
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I think Southgate had to do something to punish Sterling and I think it reasonably measured just to pull him for the next game but to keep him in the squad. Throwing him out completely would have been over the top. Had Southgate done nothing, would Sterling have come out and publicly apologised and acknowledged his mistake? I doubt it. This just ensures that he will at least think more about what he did whilst also conveying a message to the squad that such behaviour is not to be tolerated.
But what all this kind of thing does confirm is that the premier league is unsurprisingly still where the main focus is, with the England national team forever struggling to compete with it. I know it’s been said that there is now more unity in the England squad than there was under the “golden generation” but you can still see what the inevitable priority is for most of these players. Just don’t think you can have a powerful global premier league (which has made players ever more powerful) and a strong unified England national team. The two will always struggle to coexist together.
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