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Steve “brolly” McClaren?
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Malmo or Crawley Town it is then BJ?
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I.Holloway or even Banjo???!!!
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Alan Curbishley,N.Warnock?
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Hh-Cannot understand as to why would wee Phil want to move now in January.Like you said it,he is Cup-tied in the CL! I really believe Liverpool should just stand firm till June.Same goes for Arsenal regarding Ozil and Sanchez!
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Surely Liverpool are not selling Coutinho in January?!
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Nil-Not even in Scotland is the league decided in December,embarrassing imho.
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999-I would play for Barca for free,that nice,lol.
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Pagan-Are they allowed to do that mate? Surely not while he is still playing for another club?
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999-We all want a title-race and Chelsea are the only ones left to push City.
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999-Really majestic place Catalonia,plus the house-prices have plummeted since the crisis of 2007-8.
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Blaze Power-Real and Barca are the 2 biggest clubs in the world,I can understand players wanting to play for them,especially South Americans.But yes I agree,I do not get it Real and Barca themselves thinking/believing they are Gods gift to mankind! I hope Liverpool,Chelsea and Spurs tell Real and Barca where to go for Coutinho,Hazard,and Kane.
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Don`t know about comparing to Suarez,but so far the signing of the season by far.
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Mak-Cannot see it myself mate,they are walking the La-Liga and he cannot play in the CL I believe??
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Nil-Not Barca mate but Nike.2 very different things,but yes,very illegal.
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Aguero to come instead? Not bad eh?
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999-No mate but got a small place in Malgrat De Mar,near Lloret De Mar.Girona too is not that far.I remember you saying on TT you used to live there but cam back!
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PPT-All the major media here in Catalonia.But not for January,for the summer.
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999-Do not know about Chelsea mate but United does not deserve even CL place the way they are playing the last couple of months.
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