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  • in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11839


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      in reply to: TEAMTALK #11832

        Watford was a thing somebody else started it,cannot remember who.


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        in reply to: TEAMTALK #11829

          Nil-Nothing against the lad but he starts far too many threads.


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          in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11818

            999-If teams from China are ready to pay close to 72m for PEA who is nearly 29,imho Chelsea would be much better off looking @ a much younger striker,someone like Belotti!


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            in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11817

              Banjo-No malicious intentions on my part,but you should be glad Real Madrid wants your players.Just ask Modric and Bale what they have achieved since they moved.We too have had players nicked by Real in Heintze,Becks,RVN,CR7!


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              in reply to: TEAMTALK #11766

                Ed & 999-That is all we are asking.Thank you.


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                in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11765

                  Face it Sheila,Kane wants to play for United,just ask Carrick,lol!


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                  in reply to: How's your memory? #11757

                    Got bloody 7,without taking the time to think.Banjo`s fault.


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                    in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11755

                      Yes he did Sheila,not that we were actually having a coffee and a girlie chat with him,lol.


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                      in reply to: TEAMTALK #11752

                        999-Please mate,you got powers as a Moderator,ban mufc if he/she comes on this site.
                        Ed-If that twat comes on this site,many will be forced out.


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                        in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11748

                          Kane to Real Madrid??


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                          in reply to: Football Managers: Asshats, the lot of 'em…. #11747

                            Who’s this Banjo bloke then? Did he shot JFK? Did he cause Leicester to when the title? Did he make Brad cheat on Jen? Did he make John Barnes enter Celebrity Has-bean House? Did he make Wise-fan leave? What an utter bastard these Banjo is…

                            Love, Hugs & Kisses
                            Blame it all on Banjo-the Aussie sausage-smuggling thief.


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                            in reply to: Some advice please #11744

                              Who is this Banjo? He/she is to be blamed for everything from Adam and Eve,to the global warming,to grab `em by their pussies,to Jose being a tweet,everything.


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                              in reply to: Football Managers: Asshats, the lot of 'em…. #11739

                                PPT-Jose is a world-class manager,but his time has been and gone,same goes for AW even tho Jose has won much more than Wenger.


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                                in reply to: Some advice please #11737

                                  How about just giving that 7-year old/young spoiled brat a few good smacks in the face? What next? Chelsea,PSG? Then you could always blame it on Banjo! I would.


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                                  in reply to: FA Cup 4th Round Draw #11649

                                    There is only one Manchester United,you jealous tweets lol.


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                                    in reply to: Wolves #11626

                                      It seems like they are walking the championship currently,with 12 pnts clear of 2nd place Rams.Hope they both make it up,Leeds too!


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                                      in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11624

                                        Oh please no,no D.Luiz,no Fabregas,no Willian links! They all belong in CLS imho.Same goes for M.Ozil.


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                                        in reply to: January Transfer Window 2018 #11623

                                          Is Kane and his entourage starting to lay the ground-work for a summer move to Real Madrid by saying that-Spurs HAVE to start winning trophies??!


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                                          in reply to: Football Managers: Asshats, the lot of 'em…. #11621

                                            Blame it on Banjo ….


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