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  • in reply to: Banjo is an evil twat….. #17315


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      in reply to: Banjo is an evil twat….. #17314


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        in reply to: Chelsea at Home #17311

          cm-Bayern were indeed interested in signing both KDB and Sane,but were not going to pay anything close to what Wolfsburg and Schalke 04 respectively were asking for.Needless to say,they MUST regret both decisions now,but surely not as much as Jose letting KDB and Salah leave on the cheap,lol.


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          in reply to: Chelsea at Home #17307

            I cannot see Chelsea selling them both in the same year,I would be astounded if that were to happen.


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            in reply to: Banjo is an evil twat….. #17288


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                Chelsea were far too defensive imho,it seemed more like “damage control” to me rather than try and get something out of that game.


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                  Nil-Dale Winton should take both of them shopping to ………… Crawley.


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                    Leroy Sane is the best player in the EPL currently!


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                      Bricky-The whole thing is rotten m8,from top to bottom,but AW is to be blame for everything,the manager signs the players,gives them new contracts,keeps them this long.What a joke of a club!


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                        999-If AW had any self-respect,any shreds of humanity left on him should have gone 10 years ago,not stayed this long. He has single-handedly ruined his legacy,destroyed Arsenal.It will take them years to recover from this,will need a complete overhaul of this terrible squad! Apart from Lacazette no player deserves to be wearing that shirt!


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                          Nil-Even if they win this game 10-2,Arse are a joke and AW is embarrassing.


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                          in reply to: Man Utd V Liverpool – March 10th @ 12:30 #17135

                            I will make Nil a masala,tikka-masala if United win.


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                            in reply to: Man Utd V Liverpool – March 10th @ 12:30 #17124

                              0-0 or 1-1 written all over it,Banjo just told me.


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                              in reply to: R.I.P Davide Astori #17122

                                What a tragic loss of live @ such a young age.
                                riposa in pace giovanotto


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                                in reply to: Rom vs Drogba #17115

                                  Oh and one more thing,R.Sessegnon has scored more goals in 2018 than that twat H.Kane.In the words of the fat waiter from Spain-fachtsch!


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                                  in reply to: Rom vs Drogba #17114

                                    Just think,you could have bought Heskey,A.Carroll, and B.Zamora with all that money spent on Lukaku/Morata.


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                                      Chucky should text Banjo and tell him not to start threads when not needed!


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                                      in reply to: Rom vs Drogba #17075

                                        Lacazette really looked good before Arse bought PEA and caused his confidence to take a dive.


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                                        in reply to: Rom vs Drogba #17074

                                          Ed-Benzema,Lewa, Cavani,PEA ,add to that Suarez,are way too old! The only player that was doing the business-[no,not like Chucky in his pants!],and was available,for crazy money I may add,was Belotti.Griezmann and Dembele [Dortmund-Barca] are not strikers! This coming summer the number of world-class strikers available has gone down even further with only Kane and Icardi on the market-if you pay sick,stupid,astronomical money.Glad we stayed away from PEA,for a reported £65m,no thanks!Unless there is a hidden gem unearthed during the WC next summer from S.America or Africa,there is really nothing out there.Aguero,Higuain,Benz,Lewa,Suarez,Cavani,Muller,D.Costa,PEA,all too old! T.Werner of RB Leipzig is being billed as the next big thing,apparently Arse had a close to £50m offer turned down in January?!


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                                          in reply to: Rom vs Drogba #17023

                                            Roman should do the decent thing and sack Jose.


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