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  • in reply to: The measure of superiority #47150

      Hi Brian. I agree that statistics never tell the whole story, and I too do not care for “ifs and buts”.

      But while broadly speaking statistics do not interest you, I know certain statistics that certainly do interest you, the number of wins city earn, the number of goals they score, the number of points they earn etc… the game is full of statistics, champions are decided based on statistics and teams are relegated based on statistics.

      Personally I do enjoy stats as is evident. I think they are helpful as its hard enough grasping what happens in even one match visually sometimes, let alone a full season, or multiple seasons. Over long periods statistics are a useful objective resource I think.


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      in reply to: We need to talk about Keano… #47138

        Totally agree mak, one of the greatest players in prem history, and probably the greatest captain.


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        in reply to: The measure of superiority #47132

          Sorry banjo, but chelsea f**king spurs was what turned me on about it, if we aint allowed to wear our shirts, forget it.


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          in reply to: We need to talk about Keano… #47131

            I think he thinks he is being honest, but when you see his calm and composed nature here (even when being really nasty), and then consider how explosive, angry and confrontational he has always reportedly been, I am not sure if he is all there when these things happen, I think he loses it and I am really suspicious of his version of any of this.

            He talks about making it as a manager still, no chance imo.

            As for fergie’s treatment of him, a 34 yr old legend he may have been, but the negatives completely outweighed the positives with keane at that stage of his career and its no surprise fergie kicked him out and made example of him in front of the players he relied on to take utd forward imo.


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            in reply to: The measure of superiority #47129

              You single darling? 🙂

              I work from home and sometimes it can be very very slow.


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              in reply to: We need to talk about Keano… #47126

                What you reckon lads?

                Fair enough on his opinion of fergie. I get the feeling neville is spot on though and keane the manager would have kicked out keane the player.

                I think totally out of order with comments on walters though considering his circumstances, keano should not be punching down on someone like this imo


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                in reply to: The measure of superiority #47124

                  Just had a quick look at la liga champs over last few years and their averages.

                  Barca 18/19 – 2.5
                  Barca 17/18 – 3.4
                  Real 16/17 – 2.6
                  Barca 15/16 – 3.9
                  Barca 14/15 – 5.2

                  compare to last five PL champions

                  Man city(18/19)-4.13
                  Man city(17/18)-3.92

                  Traditionally we have all thought of la liga as an easier league for top teams to navigate. 5 years ago chelsea won the PL and Barca won La liga, and if you accept the goal average as a general measure of how strong a team is relative to its opposition that year, then you can see the average reflects the traditional narrative with barca scoring ridiculous 5.2 and jose’s chelsea 2.28.

                  Look at the trend since though, it seems to be going the opposite direction and now the prem league seems easier to win for the top team than la liga, with city scoring 4.13 to barca 2.5.

                  I think we havent fully accepted just how much better liverpool and city are to the rest, I think they are going to be miles ahead again this year. Chelsea, Arsenal, Man utd and spurs are the ones to blame though, not city or liverpool.


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                  in reply to: The measure of superiority #47118

                    Not many managers have won 2 european titles though. In the older days when liverpool and others won it as often as they did, there wasnt as many elite teams to be fair. With the likes of Juve, munich, madrid and barca amongst others, a champs league was always a tough ask. I dont think Fergie always had teams full of world class players either, and man for man I think most seasons there were better squads throughout europe.


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                    in reply to: The measure of superiority #47116

                      Its true though banjo, all heads must bow, and all tongues must confess, fergie was the boss.


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                      in reply to: The measure of superiority #47114

                        EDITOR AND ALL UTD FANS

                        To be fair this may also be of interest to non utd fans, but check this video out about how fergie adapted through his reign at utd. If you go back to my post @1.29pm (page 2) you will see how these changes are also highlighted by the GF/GA average and fit with the analysis in the vid also

                        Personally I think it shows just how much of a genius manager SAF was, he could always go again and rise to the challenges others bring. Arsenal raised the bar, utd responded, then chelsea, utd responded, then city and utd responded. He truly was a class apart.


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                        in reply to: The measure of superiority #47111

                          Got to have something to chatter about in international break havent we 🙂


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                          in reply to: The measure of superiority #47109

                            Nil, Seria A post videos with match highlights on you tube now. Worth watching and bags of goals.


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                            in reply to: The measure of superiority #47107

                              Besides Pagan, I am not talking about goal average as an incentive for teams to change the way we play, just a decent tool for comparing the performances of teams over 38 games


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                              in reply to: The measure of superiority #47106

                                Yes but to only value goals scored per game and give no credit to the defensive strength of a team?

                                I do think it is worth remarking that we all want entertaining games and lots of goals…when we are watching other teams. When we are watching our own teams we want our defence to be solid and dont want to be scored against at all. We truly value defence so it should be reflected in any measure of a teams strength imo, not just because fans want their teams to be good defensively, but because being good defensively in itself is a strength worth crediting


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                                in reply to: The measure of superiority #47104

                                  If you want all out exciting attacking football then goal average is the way to go as a 5-4 victory is better for the winning team than a 4-0 victory.

                                  How so pagan?

                                  Btw goal average and goal ratio are the same things, if I have used both terms I am referring to the same thing, GF/GA


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                                  in reply to: We Need To Talk About Micheal… #47099

                                    For my own mental health banjo I just assumed nil knew it was owen and was simply turning his nose up at a traitor by pretending not to know who he was.


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                                    in reply to: The measure of superiority #47098

                                      Exactly Mak, and the only reason such a record would lead to an absurd average of 38 is because the record itself is absurd.


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                                      in reply to: The measure of superiority #47090

                                        mmm Rachel Riley


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                                        in reply to: The measure of superiority #47088

                                          Get a new calculator banjo 🙂 If it was a scientific calculator it should say error when dividing anything my 0. Even the calculator on by mobile says can not divide by 0 when I tried to do it just now to see if it gave me 0 also.

                                          Dont need a calculator to understand it though banjo, just go to your kitchen, get an apple, and try dividing it into zero parts 🙂


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                                          in reply to: The measure of superiority #47080

                                            Banjo, trust me mate, 38 divided by 0 is not 0. You can not divide anything by 0, it is an irrational operation and is undefined.


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