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  • in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210033
    Chucky McChuckface


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      in reply to: Week 8: Best Season Ever… #210032
      Chucky McChuckface

        Feeling sorry for Brighton…


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        in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210031
        Chucky McChuckface

          So, do you want “Crybaby FC” or “Embarresment FC” for your new name?

          At least it won’t be LiVARpool anymore…


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          in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210030
          Chucky McChuckface

            Sorry, Waspy, but as I took offence and cried like a recently eunached puppy, all posts from 2018 onwards have been re-edited.. I’ve passed them on to Cheif Cry-baby for his approval…


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            in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210027
            Chucky McChuckface

              Are we just playing games that Crybaby FC want to reply or does this apply to all games where VAR cocked up?

              Play one, you have to play them all… welcome to the 150 games a season season, whereby everybody keeps playing until Crybaby FC are “happy” with the results…

              I know, how about a poll? Then the fans can just vote for the winners, it would be like Britians Got Talent, the player can come out and see who can do the most keepy-uppies or who has the shiniest teeth…

              Those comments are embarressing, pure and simple…


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              in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210021
              Chucky McChuckface


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                in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #210020
                Chucky McChuckface

                  Oh dear, Jurgen the German wants a reply… what a crock of shit.

                  Never going to happen… he’s making himself like a prat now.


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                  in reply to: De Ja Vu Manchester United #210019
                  Chucky McChuckface

                    Dunno Mikus, I think ETH is doing a brilliant job… πŸ˜‰


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                    in reply to: De Ja Vu Manchester United #210017
                    Chucky McChuckface

                      Fair enough CM, vaguely seem to remember it generally being 2 sides back then, the only constant being YooUtd while the others “took turns” to compete… certainly don’t remember many “3 horse” races…

                      Even so, YooUtd didn’t even dominate like the ADSC are now (but that’s another discussion)… the point I was trying to make was that back then YooUtd were happy with Fergie calling all the shots, rather than have Directors of Football etc… those positions they filled up with bussiness men rather than football men, as they had Fergie in the dug-out (i.e. “The Fergie Formula”)… and it worked then but until that changes it won’t work now, regardless of who’s in the dug-out.


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                      in reply to: De Ja Vu Manchester United #210013
                      Chucky McChuckface

                        They also say dogs can’t look up… πŸ™‚

                        Personally, I think there’s a sense of entitlement running through the club, built on the success of the Fergie years. But, and I’m not trying to belittle the Fergie years, that success occured at what I would consider a time when the league was perhaps not quite as competitive as it is now.

                        Sure, he had some challenges from the Goonies, then the start of the Jammy Todgers “campaign”, and finally the arrival of the ADSC… fast forward another decade and you can also add the Bone Saw Boyz, a resurgent LiVARpool under Kloop, and a Spurs who despite a wobble during the Maureen/Conte years, are still a lot stronger than they were 10/15 years ago.

                        The problem YooUtd have is the ideology that what worked during the Fergie years is what they need to follow now, the league has changed immensely since then. They need to forget the Fergie Formula. Celebrate it, for sure, but that was then and this is now.


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                        in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #209998
                        Chucky McChuckface

                          Twice in one week I’m agreeing with Adders… need to see a doctor!! πŸ™‚

                          It was very obviously a complete cock-up, but all talk of “legal” ramifications is just complete and total bullocks… that is a can of worms that should never be open…

                          As Adders mentions above, once that can is open, were do you draw the line? A corner that should have been a goal kick that leads to a goal that leads to 3 points that means another team is relegated?

                          I don’t believe for one minute there’s a “hidden” agenda anywhere, it was a “honest” cock-up, and totally agree it should never happen again, but I think a line needs to be drawn underneath this now. It happened, I very much doubt it will happen again, and now we can all look forward to 3 minute VAR decisions… (and I’m sure there will be complaints about it taking “too long”).

                          I will also say this, it certainly doesn’t help anybody (players/managers/refs/fans) putting all this pressure on the refs… I think managers and players need to take a long hard look in the mirror and try to work with the team in black… I find their claims of “innocence” and continually passing the buck extremely hypocritical… I know it will never happen but I would find it hughly amusing if PMGOL starting posting sarcastic tweets when a player earning 300,000 a week misses a sitter, give ’em a bit of their own medicine!

                          Love football… not so much footballers!! πŸ™‚


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                          in reply to: The curious case of Marcus Rashford #209958
                          Chucky McChuckface

                            Would that be the same Son who won the Golden Boot a couple of seasons back? πŸ™‚


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                            in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #209955
                            Chucky McChuckface

                              Don’t know about a list of stats that prove VAR is the pants we all know it to be… but here’s some crazy offside calls over the years, including the Jan the Man vs Sunderland when Jan was about 6 yards inside the Spurs half when the ball was played…

                              As the article said, has to be the record for the most furthest “onside” offside given… πŸ™‚



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                              in reply to: The curious case of Marcus Rashford #209952
                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Don’t watch that much Alfie, generally keep and eye on the score and if you’re losing with 10 to go then I normally tune in if time allows just for a laugh… (so, it would be fair to say I’m only watching the “shitty” performances whereby young Master Rashford isn’t the only one who’s looking pants).

                                Anyway, not saying he’s a bad player, he isn’t, but I don’t think he’s that great either… I reckon teams with serious title asperations would improve that position…


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                                in reply to: The curious case of Marcus Rashford #209947
                                Chucky McChuckface

                                  Sod it, let’s call him a LB in which case he’s brilliant! πŸ™‚

                                  (And to be honest, always thought Goldenballs was overated, half of his hype was due to being a pretty boy and marrying a Spicegirl, on the front pages more than the back!)


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                                  in reply to: The curious case of Marcus Rashford #209946
                                  Chucky McChuckface

                                    So he’s a winger now? Thought he was a stirker…


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                                    in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #209943
                                    Chucky McChuckface

                                      Anyway, it’s about time those numpties calling for a reply (not on here, I hasten to add!) stopped… never going to happen in a million years… just making themselves look a bit stupid now!


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                                      in reply to: The curious case of Marcus Rashford #209941
                                      Chucky McChuckface

                                        Sweddy, but you can say that about all players, “at his best etc..”, every player can look like a world beater when they’re on form… I think the issue with Rashford is that those days are not often enough for him to be considered a “top-draw” player…

                                        Look at his stats… not including this season, he’s averaged less than 10 goals a season for his entire career in the Prem (and this season it’s 1 goal in 7!)… for an attacking team that creates as many chances as YooUtd I would say thats not that impressive for a “top-draw” player…


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                                        in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #209937
                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          It’s been a brilliant season so far… πŸ™‚


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                                          in reply to: Incompetency of VAR and Officials #209912
                                          Chucky McChuckface

                                            Not often I completely and totally agree with Adders, but he is 100% correct here… players/managers do not help themselves with their attitudes towards referees… we all certainly don’t want the ref’s to “take sides” but can a player be surprised after abusing a ref for 85 minutes he suddenly doesn’t get a 50/50 call go his way? I’m sure that’s happened…


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