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Good job they’ve been very open and have welcomed scrutiny over the books and money transfers otherwise they wouldn’t have to leg to stand on… oh, wait a minute… 🙂
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3p’s… I remember discussing with one of the 115’s legal defence council on here some months back about the “email” evidence and he pointed out the emails had very clearly been doctored to make it look as though the “scam” as described had actually occured… 🙂
Of course, we all know emials can be doctored, especially by the naughty scallywags who have the skill and talent to illagelly hack into others “servers”… and I, for one, can’t wait for the body of evidence which has been collected and prepared over the last 10 years or so and deliberately delayed in its release by the 115 to actually be released so their innocence can be proven once and for all… 🙂 🙂
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I’m sure I read somewhere Milan were trying to get rid of Onana for something like 7 million when YooUtd came knocking… I’m sure there’s somebody with a dislocated shoulder when that hand got ripped off!!
We can also chuck Soldado and Jenssan in there too… maybe not the biggest transfer fee’s in comparssion, but most certainly did not get the returns expected… shame, they both seemed “nice” guys, and both gave 100%…
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Personally I love Antony… makes me think if every Footydebate poster was combined into 1 footballer, you’d end up with a very confused moron with egotistical problems and a strong belief he’s smarter than he really is… you would end up with Antony!
(And, yes, I’m including myself!)
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I’m gonna chuck in N-Dumb here… no idea about win % etc. with or without him… and one of the most talented ballers I’ve seen with the ball at his feet… but an attitude that stinks worse than Buffy’s knickers… still ended being 50 plus million transfer and about 50 million in wages flushed down the drain… can’t even give him away…
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Last one Neploean, the last one… 🙂
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Money…. what else?
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Kompany to Munich!?!?!?!?!? No one saw that one coming… very strange indeed.
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Yeah… got to larff about it, don’t you?
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Save all those kisses for me, mate, that’s when it was… whatever it isn’t now… dunno, my nipper made me watch it and apart from about 90% of the songs being absolute shite, I thought it was an exercise in pure self indulgance… I only kept watching until I figured out it was Booby Axolrod’s wife hosting… (gets about that girl!).
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Tell you something else for nothing, grinds my gears about how non-national managers can take over national teams… don’t care what country you are, pick your own countrymen, otherwise it feels like cheating… might as well just pick any player you fancy… “Eaten a sausage? Come and play for Germany, son!”
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Pooch is still a relative youngster in mangerial terms, I think he’s just fallen victim to the “here and now” brigade curently running the show at Todger Stadium. Certainly don’t think he’s done, maybe 2/3 years at a mid-table side like Brighton or YooUtd gets him the frame for one of the big-boys somewhere…
To be honest, I can still see him back at Spuds before he’s done…
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Slight change of subject, but Palace really have the makings of a decent, and young, team going on. Pity the vultures will pick them all off but if they can keep everybody, absolutely going to be TOP 10 next year and a decent shout for Euro footy…
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Read somewhere the 2nd half of the season, Poncho would have finished 4th… still crap considering the billions spent but showing signs of something I would have thought… so, who’s next?
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So both Poncho and the Jammy Todgers can be added to the mix…
Tommy Tickle back to Todgers… Poncho to YooUtd… Ten-Bob to Brighton… De Zebri to Bone Saw Boyz… Howe to Brighton….
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Guardian are reporting it too… so either Nil is as smart as the Guardian, or the Guardian is as dumb as Nil… 🙂
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Yeah, they were doing it because we suddenly all love the 115, nothing to do with taking the piss out the Goonies at all…
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It’s easy to get bored of any “game” when you’re playing with the cheat codes… and when nobody really gives you any credit for winning… because everybody knows you had the cheat codes… and, unfortunately for the 115, the longer these charges drag on, the more question marks and asteriks appear…
Don’t see anybody else but Pepe banging on about how this 115 team is the best in the history of everything, do you?
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Nevermind Buffy, maybe next year…
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Villa getting a proper battering…
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