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  • in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217362
    Chucky McChuckface

      FUUUCKKKK!!!! Told you it would be 4-1!! Good night and well done Buffy!


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      in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217361
      Chucky McChuckface

        So it was a foul on sarr to turn the ball over, a corner with the ball coming off Trossard, and a goal with Grey being deliberately blocked on the line… and the ball coming off Solenko.. yet those fuckers think they’ve won the world cup!! LOL!!!


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        in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217352
        Chucky McChuckface

          Bit one way… not liking this at all


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          in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217350
          Chucky McChuckface

            Oh dear, just saw the line-ups…. well done Buffy, you lot score less than 3 I’m claiming a moral victory… 4-1 Goonies if we’re lucky!!!


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            in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217349
            Chucky McChuckface

              Garnacho?? Not sure about that, can’t say I’ve anything which would suggest he would improve what we’ve already got… except Timo of course… but 60 mil??


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              in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217348
              Chucky McChuckface

                I gave up trying to understand the rules when nobody could explain how obstructing a player when the ball is running out of play isn’t obstruction when it’s heading towards a straight white line, but do it in the middle of the pitch then it is…

                Really don’t understand that one…


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                in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217344
                Chucky McChuckface

                  Got to be honest, cyber chum, if you can’t enjoy being 6 points clear with a game in hand, then you need to be slapped in the face with a smoked kipper and take up flower-arranging or something… 🙂

                  I can think of about 19 clubs who would kindly swap!


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                  in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217341
                  Chucky McChuckface

                    Reckon we’ll be keeping Angie until the summer, minimum, and wouldn’t be at all surprised he stays for next season too, if we manage to somehow qualify for Europe…

                    We’ve got some great youngsters and the nucleus of a great team (if we manage to keep them all, Vicky, the new goalie, Micky, Grey, Destiny, Sarr, Bergval, Johnson and few others all haven’t even learned to shave yet out on loan), just need one or two more “mature” quality players and a manger who plays a bit more in between Angie and Conte…

                    Would not be at all surprised to see Angie stay for the 18 months left on his contract and Poncho come back after the next WC in the US… would not be upset with that at all.

                    With regards to the comments above, I do think it will a lower points total than usual (compared with the last 4/5 years at any rate), and I think that’s better for the League… and I don’t agree with those who think the “quality” has dropped… I think it’s more to do with a lot of “mid-table” teams suddenly getting that extra 10%… everybody is cancelling each other out to a degree, taking points of each other.


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                    in reply to: Manchester United Identity – Style Of Football #217325
                    Chucky McChuckface

                      There are two types of managers these days… you have the ones who have their “philosophy”, your Pepes, Amurion, Angie, Maureen, Conte types… who are convinced their way is the highway and if it doesn’t work out it’s the clubs fault for not letting them spend a billion pounds on players… and then, as I was watching last night, the Nuno types, who actually work with the squad of players they have, and find a style/11 which works best all round… (he certainly never played like that at Spuds!).


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                      in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217319
                      Chucky McChuckface

                        Forest remind me a lot of the Liecester team that one the title, keep it very tight and busy in mid-field, break on the counter with pace…


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                        in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217317
                        Chucky McChuckface

                          GAME ON!! DONKEY KONG!!!


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                          in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217316
                          Chucky McChuckface

                            Buffy, all joking aside, what do you think of Legohead these days? The football, to say the least, is a lot more pragmatic than it used to be, nearer George Graham and Whinger…

                            Oh, nice goal by the Palmer fella… he’s a baller for sure…


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                            in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217315
                            Chucky McChuckface

                              Half an hour of the Jammy Todgers (hopefully Nepolean will make an appearance, Wednesday night, the sheep are all in for Winter, what’s else has he got on his plate?) before the 2nd best game of the week, best put the kettle on…


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                              in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217312
                              Chucky McChuckface

                                And he’s “injured” for tomorrows game against the Goonies… buying a sodding lottery ticket on the way home!! 🙂


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                                in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217311
                                Chucky McChuckface

                                  Best rumor of the day…. Napoli contact Spurs to investigate the possibility of signing Timo… please let it be true… please, pretty please, pretty please with cherries in Buffy’s naval!!


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                                  in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217309
                                  Chucky McChuckface

                                    Good question…. first of all, if either Maureen or Conte were going to “guarantee” success with their brand of football, us Spuds (or at least most of us) would have ripped your arm off and whacked you with the wet bit… I’d take 38 x 1-0’s… but for whatever reason neither gentleman were delivering, or even looked liked possibly delivering “guaranteed” success… so that went the way it went.

                                    Now, considering your question, I’ve been a Spud since the very early 80’s, and I can count the number of occassions we’ve been “challenging” for the title with 2 fingers, back in the early 80’s, and flirting when Poncho was around… as optimistic as a football fan can be, you also have to be a realist too. Most fans of most clubs will tell you whether they think you’ve got a chance for the title or not (I’d be “Not”, before a ball was kicked), so you’re left with the hope of a decent Cup run or two, and maybe qualifying for Europe and hopefully the CL…

                                    This then, basically, leaves you with the hope of least watching your team “have a go” in every game… and that normally means trying to score more than the other.. i.e. entertaining!! It’s certainly more fun watching side try and score a call than trying to defend a lead, that’s for sure!


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                                    in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217301
                                    Chucky McChuckface

                                      Getting the right manager is just as big a gamble as getting the right players and there’s no guarantee it’s going to work. As already mentioned above, managers can suck at one club, take over the world at another, just as players go from one club to another…there’s a fair amount of luck involved, even with a ton of due diligence…..

                                      As for Angie, I think even the most Bruce Willis of Spuds fans know deep down we’re never going to when the League with Angie, but I do think with a fit squad we’re capable of a Cup or two (in fact, we’ve more chance of winning the CL than the PL!)…


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                                      in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217293
                                      Chucky McChuckface

                                        3p’s… I think Nuno’s downfall at Spuds was because he was trying to follow the same Maureen plan, i.e. keep it all very tight and compact, and hope Sonny/Harry produced enough magic up top… the problem was it was both dire football and we didn’t have the players at the back to keep the clean sheets… chuck in the same players who were fed-up with Maureen getting very quickly feed-up with Nuno… and there you go… vaguely remember a lot of 0-0’s, and 0-1’s, with the occassional 1-0 chucked in… us fans never took to him and it was an uphill struggle from about game 5 of his tenure… shame, he seemed a likable enough fella… happy it’s working out for him….

                                        Come on Waspy, have a pint of optimism for breakfast for a change… 🙂

                                        I bet you wouldn’t go and watch the bus parade “in case the bus breaks down”…


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                                        in reply to: Week 21: Mid-week Mayhem… #217290
                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          7 wins in a row, in all comps, cyber chum, Nuno is in with a shout for Manager of the Season I think! And they have a pretty easy run-in, last 8 games….. I really do fancy their chances for Top4. Always had a soft spot for them, being a big Cloughie fan….


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                                          in reply to: FA CUP 2025 Thread #217287
                                          Chucky McChuckface

                                            Everytime I watch the Goonies play, they seem to be set up to a) win free-kicks so they can go with one of their “rugby” style set peices… 5 men run towards to the ball, 4 to block and 1 to head… (amazed they get away with it as often as they do!) or b) keep it tight and rely on a little piece of magic from one of their “better” players…

                                            It will get them Top 4, as they do have some of the “better” players who can provide such little moments of magic, but it will never win them the title… not in the Prem at any rate. Too many other well organized teams who can “low-block” and keep them at arms length…

                                            (They’ll bet us 6-2 on Wednesday now, you watch! LOL!!)


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