Home Community General Football Weekend Football 34 – No room for the faint heart!

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      Well, a Bank Holiday weekend and the first as enter into the most crucial point of the season; the month of May.

      A double Gameweek for one team in particular to play their matches in hand.

      Quite simply, it’s make or break whatever the situation. Not many matches left at all.

      Every game therefore IS a Cup final. No room for any faint hearts.


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        Just looking at the table, any of you pool lads still have lingering hopes of top 4?

        You have 53 points with 6 to play, so presuming best scenario of 6 wins the most you can get is 71 points.

        Utd have 60 points and need 12 more from 7 remaining games to guarantee top 4, less required if pool are not perfect.

        Bookies have it 7-1 for pool to finish top 4,I think thats fair and don’t think you will finish top 4 now but would love to see a late bit of drama!


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        Mikus LFC

          Either Newcastle or Man Utd would pretty much have to have a collapse AND Liverpool would need a near perfect run in. Very unlikely. But whilst it’s still possible we’ll no doubt tease ourselves there’s a chance.

          That said, 4 of our 6 remaining games are at home (home form is very good), leaving Southampton & Leicester away. You see what you’ve done Lucky. Teasing myself already 😁


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            We have to go to Brighton and West Ham soon so if we were to drop points against Villa, Utd fans will start to feel a bit nervous I think. Would be a complete disaster for either of the 2 to let anyone else in now.


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              Lucky, it’s more of reliance of Man United to drop points. Naturally, whilst there’s mathematical hope, you’re always figuring out stats off the League Table.

              Park that to one side, I am sorry to say, based on Weds Night in spite of the win, I wasn’t happy with what I seen at all with Basketball. There is no Midfielder to profoundly stop the ball, hold it, and maintain/control possession.

              There really isn’t the need of 1000 miles an hour and thinking of this makes me think about Serie A and La Liga. The Art and Craft has gone from the Premier League.

              What’s glaring is the formula of ‘kick and rush’. No wonder VAR have trouble keeping up. Forgive me for embellishing, but our players in majority can’t hack it because they have been burnt out in history.

              I don’t buy at all Trent. He’s a lost identity albeit just somebody footloose and freel. I like Structure and I do for what it’s worth think always about Chelsea in an example of 2006 with Jose when he had in his back 4 Del Horno, Paulo Ferreira, Tiago and John Terry. So disciplined. Liverpool have lost discipline or can’t hold on to discipline. Jurgen Klopp knows it. On paper it looks good. It’s whether or not we have the discipline and the bottle to see it through.


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                Mikus I wish my lot gave me the slightest bit of hope for remaining games and while it’s odds against for you there does seem to be some momentum building with form and results.

                I think 5th is the lowest you will finish and you have an outside chance of 4th


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                  Yeah it’s both nil, sure you rely on utd dropping points but even if they do it will count for nothing if you don’t maintain your form. I hope you do and we see some tension last few games 👍


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                    You know there are some chelsea fans who didn’t give Potter time of day and called him a PE teacher who are at this moment blaming Potter for our regression since he was sacked and sympathising for lamps for inheriting the mess. They list a load of issues that were also issues Potter had to contend with but for some reason they can be taken in to consideration now lamps is in the dugout.

                    I can’t wait for the season to end, only so much nonsense any of us can tolerate.


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                      Another questionable call from VAR. Rashford is clearly bundled over in the box.


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                      Mikus LFC

                        Typical this. We’re probably the form team in the league now. Only taken us until the end of the season to get it together 🙄


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                          Yeah, Mikus. Compacency, concentration and taking for granted once again. Ingredients of a much needed game management and authority than to resort to being reactive and desperation.

                          Spurs are capable of coming back so I wouldn’t write them off. Those fans too leaving after 15 mins maybe thinking they should have stayed.


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                          Mikus LFC

                            A bit of complacency nil, but you’d still expect us to win now. Just frustrating we’ve not been able to put a run together this season, until the very end.


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                              Agree Mikus, I feel it’s perhaps too little too late. In the same breath
                              we just gotta keep winning as many as we can even though it looks more like football on a Thursday Night next season.


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                                Indeed Mikus. It’s fine turning up and performing when the pressure is off and nobody expects you to get top 4 from where you are. Where was this team for the rest of the season? Van Dijk absolutely rinsed by Perisic.


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                                  3 times they’ve hit the post.


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                                  Mikus LFC

                                    That said, we’re exhibiting too much casual play again which has hampered us all season. We struggle to control games anymore, it’s all too gung-ho at times. No doubt what’s on the summer shopping list.


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                                      Flipping worse than April showers!


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                                      Mikus LFC

                                        We’ve sort of half turned a corner nil with 3 recent wins on the bounce but our problem all season has been maintaining concentration and performing for the full 90 minutes. We just can’t do it.


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                                          Paul Tierney is one of the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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                                            We’ve stuffed up. Of all the players.


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