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  • This topic has 193 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nike19.
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  • #213204
    Tugay is God

      Thanks. Not being accused of being a racist when I’m not.


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        Let’s get back to talking real football.

        Who’s better Scholes, Lampard or Gerrard?


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        Tugay is God

          De Bruyne.


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            1-1 at the Bridge as it Stands.


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              Rio Ferdinand or Akanji 😉


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              Tugay is God

                Colin Hendry.


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                  Pep and Jurgen Always


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                    About time that guy was blocked, his the cause of many of us not wanting to post on here any longer. Been going on for a while now.


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                    Chucky McChuckface

                      Tony Hobbit


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                        Yep that’s why I left too, love a healthy debate about anything but I cannot deal with a poster who spews his hatred, bitterness and envy at any other club thats a rival to his club. I’m way beyond that. Now that his banned I will post again and if he comes back will see how it goes. In truth one should really only talk about their own club and their games and their players and their managers and coaches only and stop for their malicious reasons trying to defame other clubs.


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                          I have often spoken about City in a negative light regarding the 115 charges as I have an opinion on it and it is one of the biggest stories of thr PL era. But Sunday wasn’t about that, it was about two hugely talented teams going to to toe and producing one of the best 1-1 draws I can remember. Usually these big games fail to deliver but certainly wasn’t the case. For the first 15 minutes liverpool couldn’t get close to City and I feared a drubbing. But that second half performance from Liverpool was one of the best for while.

                          Shame the pen took the attention away from a magnificent game. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy, watching live I didn’t think it was a stonewall pen only after seeing it again. I just think the ref and var took the easy option with what would have been the last kick of the game.


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                          Chucky McChuckface

                            I don’t think even the most ardent 115 fan can expect everybody else to ignore it, they are very serious charges and if (cough) found guilty has all sorts of ramifications.

                            It shouldn’t be swept under the carpet and ignored… that’s for sure.


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                              Blimey it doesn’t take much to get banned these days 🤣
                              Do we need Elon to buy footy debate to allow freedom of speech 😉😁

                              It’s a football site as I recall and as fans we love our clubs and often hate many other clubs or at least dislike intensely!

                              Saying you can’t comment on another club is a tad silly

                              Sone of you should grow a pair and take it or ignore it

                              Goose I’d sail into that spuds team but they couldn’t afford me 😁


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                                Steve, I hardly ever ban/block people. I only did it this time because I felt it was getting a bit out of hand. I’m all for heated debates. I just felt it was getting a bit too much. With Nine no longer around, sadly, I don’t really have the time to be constantly monitoring things here so I just felt I needed to do something there. I’m aware not all will agree it was warranted but I can’t please everyone. We could probably do with another moderator if anyone fancies it.


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                                  Completely agree though that the not commenting on other clubs point was a tad extreme!


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                                  sean the sailor

                                    Dont believe in any corruption at all. My issue is adlab bangs on about refs constantly when city get the big calls that decide leagues. Its just a bit of luck as threeos says. Adlab bangs on about Oliver yet he didnt give kovacic a 2nd yellow at areanal when he should have been off and sunday which was a pen.

                                    The worst comment on Here was from paul power about always the victims. We know what that is about and thats just disgusting. Poor from you paul


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                                    Chucky McChuckface

                                      Breaking news from White Hart Lane, a new waterboy has been appointed apparently… steaming towards us on the Titanic… they’re even letting him steer!

                                      Although 3 kebabs and a new pair of pants everyweek is a bit step.


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                                        That’s out of order if that’s the context in which Paul meant that Sean. I hadn’t cottoned on to that, if so. Mak offered up his own banning on email. I felt him offering to fight other posters and calling them retards and racists was a bit far. I’m completely in agreement that Adlab brings a lot of him upon himself with his conspiracy claims against his club. Let’s get back to football, though, eh?


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                                        sean the sailor

                                          Agreed ed. Lets talk ball


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                                            We miss the sanity and even keel of the much missed puppy

                                            You can’t please everyone ed but people give as good as they get and it’s so easy to ignore a post or laugh it off

                                            Worlds gone mad and I bet most of the posters are old enough to know better and not be such delicate flowers all the time

                                            Clearly you all missed the main point as well that dodgy decision was actually a grand conspiracy to help Arsenal win the league 😁

                                            Mmmm kebabs 😋


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