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      Can’t look to football or anything at this moment in life for that matter as it stand; this country has really gone to the Sword.


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        Very sad to see especially innocent happy kids and also innocent adults getting killed for no reason at all or even in the current wars thats no fault of theirs. Its real sad times.


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          Nil-The entire world,matey,sadly.Humans hellbent on destroying everything, everywhere!


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            Just on that unhappy subject someone just posted on another site that we not going to have much football this year as the prospects of WW3 are escalating highly and its probably inevitable.


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              Really? What the heck am I doing at work then? Might as well party it up for the remaining few months of humanity.

              Talk about melodramatic. There’s always anger and hate in the world, it what humans are good at, just these days it’d both easier to spread it and easier to take be exposed to it.


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                Just seen who made the ww3 comment, none other than footydebates own former clown mighymoos. Hardly a good example of an intelligent and rationale poster.


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                  I think its possibly heading that way. This is just unusual and unexpected from Southport.


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                    Well it’s definitely not good news, finances taking a battering, world anger from all sides, it’s basically a no win situation for everyone and they know that so the intentions will be to do as much damage as possible to their enemies. Rogue countries cannot match the Wests security intelligence as far as information is concerned so they will just use a massive barrage of ballistic missiles starting and pointing at Israel and then Nato and US will step in and then you will probably have the likes of Russia, North Korea and so on taking the opposite sides. China will probably not get military involved initially but you can bet they will step in to pick up the pieces.


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                    Chucky McChuckface

                      And yet, statisticly, the world hasn’t seen so few deaths due to war and conflicts since the end of World War II… it’s just that in today’s media frenzy of collectiong “viewers” combined with the world and his dog all having social media platforms, what is happening around the world gets rammed down people’s throats 25 hours a day, 8 days a week.


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                      Chucky McChuckface

                        So, party at 3p’s, I’ll bring the beer, who’s bringing the Monster Munch?


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                          There really is no justification for those deaths of those innocent children. I’m sorry. What are those parents affected going through? Sheer Trauma. I’ve pointed out for years, those crossing our borders need to be vetted properly. Besides, our judicial system is simply too softer. Labour dont exactly help when they’re expressing the thought of Jails being too full.


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                          Chucky McChuckface

                            Things like the tradegy in Southport bring back reasoning for the death penalty…


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                              Agree with Kylie,there won’t be anything big, but there is no need for any of this to happen.


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                I think we’re a long way from WWIII from starting… anything from Putin’s mouth can be ignored, Russia has had it’s bum spanked in Ukraine (they’re the ones “sueing for peace”, not Ukraine), I wouldn’t worry about the ME too much, any “resonable” amount of chaos there will disrupt the global supply of oil (yes, huge problem for everybody’s economy, but an even bigger problem the ME economy, as they then bascially won’t have one, they will be civil wars all over the place “locally”, the “local” governments can’t afford that!)… the nearest we’ve got to real trouble is potentailly China trying for Taiwan… which I think will turn out very much like Russia/Ukraine… Taiwan (like Ukraine) has been preparing for years for this very “incident” and has spent decades building up defenses… it will be horribly ugly with a hell of a lot of death and misery on both side, but there’s no way China are going to just waltz in and take Taiwan in 48 hrs… Chairman Xi is just spouting nonsense for his followers (like Putin).

                                That’s my take on it anyway… 🙂


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                                  Spot on, matey.


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                                    Excellent signing by Arsenal, Califiori reminds one of Beckenbaur and Baresi, not saying his quite in the same class maybe he will be maybe he want be but it’s the way he plays.


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                                      If you want to know how toxic social media is, just observe the last few days. Grifters spreading misinformation on the back of a horrific tradegy to spread more hate.

                                      Ironically these so called patriots who go around destroying towns and city’s, then claiming migrants and immigrants are ruining the country, leaving places in a mess. Who cleaned up the mess and damage they left behind in Southport? It was a community with people from all backgrounds.


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                                      Chucky McChuckface

                                        Social media is the downfall of society… the internet could have been brilliant for everybody, sharing information and knowledge at the click of a button, but the vast majority of it now is either porn, social frigging media, or spam adverts…


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                                          Governments should have banned em long time ago,imho.


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                                            100 days of Labour……….

                                            I’d be very surprised if these lot survive the whole term. So much that is wrong, so little done that sparks a change in the right direction.


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