Home Community General Football Top 5 most entertaining teams to watch in the PL era

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      1- Liverpool 2014(2nd half of the season)

      They were just pure entertainment even from a United fan.

      2- City this season

      On par to the Liverpool side from the 2013/2014 season.

      3- Chelsea 2010 season

      First and so far only team to score over 100 goals in a PL season, City are most likely going to match/beat that this season. Ancelotti had them playing some brilliant stuff.

      4- Arsenal 98

      Really enjoyed watching this side. The pace of Overmars, arrival of a young Anelka and watching Vieira boss the midfield.

      5- Manchester United 99

      Not the most entertaining compared to above, but an efficient side that played good football.


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        I think you will have to add a few teams. the Invincibles, Mourinho’s first Chelsea team in 2004/05, United team of 2007/08, the Liverpool team of 2008/09, the City team of 2013/14. all of those teams were a joy to watch for me.


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        sean the sailor

          I think this Liverpool team attacking wise is better then 14. We play some stunning football at times

          I think city are going to another level not seen for a while

          Utd had some many good teams over the years. Ferguson build so many good teams. That was a huge reason for their success

          Chelsea in Jose’s first season played some great ball at times. Duff and robben on the wings and drogba.

          Aresnal for a few years were really top notch


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