Home Community General Football Time to abolish VAR?

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  • #177498
    nine nine nine

      Sean, last word from me, how many goals have we seen ruled out for offside for part of a hand being in an off side position.

      I would like to see them get hold of that in the Summer.

      But will they? 😊


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        In addition to my previous post, another thing that may endear VAR to none believers like myself would be to change the laws of the game to make diving, exaggeration, holding you face like you’ve been hit with a frying pan when an opponent’s hand has brushed you chest and the like red card offences so they can be felt with there and then….. Pagan


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        Brian blue

          Well, my last word on this is it may well drive people to lower league football or even ladies game, which may not be a bad thing, unless they sort it out so everybody understands what they are watching. As a fan, paying ever increases in tickets and merchandise and watching Prima dona’s it will make them wonder if it is worth it. I hope not but the games controlling bodies are only in it for the cash now not the game itself


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          sean the sailor

            My last word on this 😂 ye nine a good few with regards hand, arm pit etc mate

            Some which have no way been 100 % accurate in how they have been called in my view

            Agree…they have to sort those calls out chum


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