Home Community Non-Football Tiger Woods!

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  • #175935
    nine nine nine

      Reports confirm that Tiger Woods had to be cut out of his Car and has career threatening leg injuries.


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      sean the sailor

        Saw that nine

        Have you watched the sky doc on him

        Very interesting

        He really was some competitor but it’s also sad in a way


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        nine nine nine

          Sean, yes very good documentary. I read Tigers biography last summer and a book written by one of his Coaches he’s a fighter given his comebacks from his back injuries and he’ll have to be a fighter again to come back from this but I’m sure he’ll give it 100% and try.


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            I can’t believe all the fuss over this guy, a proven wife cheater and abuser, not to mention he was all alone in overturning his car, what does that tell you. No he can suffer though he probably want.


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              Tiger woods, is that a golf course


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              Mikus LFC

                I haven’t see the Sky documentary, but have read reviews on it. What is clear to me is that he has clearly been so focussed on golf from such an early age, that it has almost unhinged him. How much of that push came from the people around him, like his father, I don’t know. (I think the tennis player Andre Agassi had a similar push from his father in his childhood that affected him). But when the stories of the prostitutes came out, it didn’t surprise me as it appears he was looking for some kind of release. That’s by no means to defend what he did – just to perhaps explain what contributed to it. Then there’s all the fame and attention to deal with at such an early age – none of us know how we’d deal with that under the same circumstances. All a tragedy really, with not many people coming out of it well.


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                  Mikus with you on that, child prodigies don’t get a normal upbringing, they miss out on social learning, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears etc. and yes Tiger Woods would fall into that category…..Pagan


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                  nine nine nine

                    Very very sad to see anyone wish suffering on another human being whether they were driving alone or not and when they have been involved in a terrible car accident and incurred very serious injuries and when Woods was lucky to escape with his life.

                    Tiger Woods may have messed up in his private life which he has publicly apologised for. β€œI was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated.” β€œFor all that I have done, I am so sorry.”19 Feb 2010

                    β€œLet him who is without sin cast the first stone” !!!


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                    Brian blue

                      Sad, he will always be a great golfer in my eyes. His persona; is a mess and would not wish that on anyone


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                      sean the sailor

                        Ye when I said it was sad mikius was because of the way his father pushed from an early age and he had no childhood. His father used to unfaithful in front of a young tiger and he also split with his childhood sweetheart because of his parents

                        Absolutely crazy famevhe had to deal with. Not really a fan of his but he was done some competitor. Injuries killed him and got him addicted to prescription drugs so I’ve sympathy with him over that



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                          Sorry I have no sympathy at all for any man that abuses women. We all had our ups and even more especially downs in life but if you cannot respect the dignity of our sisters then you don’t deserve any better. Subject closed.


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                            Blaze, was just searching web, only references to physical abuse I find are claims his wife beat him, plenty of info on the cheating though

                            How many blow jobs do you turn down per day? πŸ™‚


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                              Not a golf or woods fan btw, don’t know anything about him really, except of course he is a man with lots of money in a world in which plenty of our sisters care for nothing else


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                                Lol blaze don’t be angry πŸ™‚


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                                  Have a sense of humour blaze


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                                    Of course it would be more acceptable if he rolled his car when it was full of family or friends…..Pagan


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                                    nine nine nine

                                      “just searching web, only references to physical abuse I find are claims his wife beat him, plenty of info on the cheating though.”

                                      Exactly Lucky!

                                      “No charges are anticipated against Tiger Woods after he was seriously injured in a rollover vehicle crash in Southern California, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

                                      “This is purely an accident,” Villanueva said Wednesday via Facebook live, adding that there was no evidence of impairment.”


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                                        Some Sports I simply don’t have any Interest for and Golf being one of them, Never Will. However somebody having experienced this you’d wish them Recovery and Good Health.


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                                            Before we go out we always say,
                                            Drinking and driving is not okay.
                                            Tonight I made the worst of my mistakes I was with 2 two young girls half my age.
                                            Thought I saw them so I slammed on my brakes.
                                            It was too late when I saw it wasn’t my dates.


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