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15th August 2019 at 11:51 pm #45437
Lucky, good to see you on here mate you’ll be a real asset to this site.
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15th August 2019 at 11:52 pm #45438Mak, “If someone on here starts ranting about hating my club, in an inflammatory manner, yes, I will consider that person to be a tosser.”
I’m sure that won’t happen mate.
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16th August 2019 at 12:09 am #45439Just winding down from work and seeing through some comments. First point to clear up: The reason why I supposedly ignore comments is simply because it causes a disruption to the thread (If anybody has an issue with my comments, I would suggest they can contact me via email through Ed).
I come here first and foremost to comment on Football and ala my Team. That’s my intent, nothing else. Without playing any sort of victim card, for some reason, I seem to attract abuse. Now that abuse is personal towards me as an individual. Never have I abused anyone here on a Personal Level, Never.
Without going too much into detail, I have a physical health related issue and a slight mental one (depression). At the moment, I am a little under stress at work and that’s because other colleagues need to be pulling their weight and not leave it all to one person every-so-often. Anyway, that’s a discussion for me to have with my Boss at work but that was playing on my mind yesterday evening.
Other than that I just wanted my Team to perform and win that’s it. Nothing else. I’m zoned out when I watch the game, sometimes with a lot of intensity because I’m desperate for us to start winning Silverware. Too many let downs and false dawns in the past.
My comments are not attributed to anybody on here. Is there any reason to be? No. Purely because I’ve never met anyone or have any form of online contact away from here (on a personal level).
I profusely apologize for comments of an inflammatory nature on a open General Msg board. I really should be more thoughtful.
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16th August 2019 at 1:07 am #45440Anonymous
Nine, I don’t either but since Pagan pulled me up on a single sentence from a long post, I felt it best to delve into it a bit.
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16th August 2019 at 1:40 am #45441Anonymous
Nil, I get the feeling that people reading that are going to take a deep breath and sigh. I really don’t want to be pointing out anymore if I’m honest, you should know by now but it seems that you don’t.
The entire issue here is your lack of acknowledgment and honesty.
” The reason why I supposedly ignore comments… ”
You are posting on a thread, so you are reading that thread. If you think it’s at all reasonable that people contact to ed to ask him to deal with your disruption, instead of asking you to stop… well this is what you’re asking and I’m kinda lost for words here … Let’s stay away from strong words and just say that you’re not being reasonable or rational.
“I come here first and foremost to comment on Football and ala my Team. That’s my intent, nothing else. Without playing any sort of victim card, for some reason, I seem to attract abuse. Now that abuse is personal towards me as an individual. Never have I abused anyone here on a Personal Level, Never.”
First off, you weren’t posting about your team. You were saying how much you hate Chelsea, in capital letters. If Chucky posted your stuff word for word during the CL final (putting Liverpool in for Chelsea), you would lose your mind. I know this because you lose your mind for a lot less and you really need to consider the things you said from another supporters perspective. I asked you to do this earlier and you have clearly not done so. You need perspective in order to see where you’re wrong here.
You go on from here to say you’re not playing the victim card but … then you play the victim card. Nobody abused you in any way (that i saw anyway). You caused this problem and your clever wording of “personal abuse” doesn’t get you out of jail, in fact it just pisses me off. You want to avoid what was initially only a small amount of responsibility by ducking and dodging, or by finger pointing and playing the victim but the fact remains that this entire shitshow was all you man.
As for never personally abusing people etc.. another load of nonsense.
There’s a big part of me that doesn’t want to post the above comment. I don’t want to be giving out all the time and I know I’m no saint myself but it’s the dishonesty that I just can’t tolerate. the last sentence is definitely more like it but you obviously don’t mean it, given what you’ve said before it. You just want to be let away with it once again without actually learning anything and that’s just not good enough for me.
I understand that I’m using some pretty strong terms here and I wouldn’t do this had this not been someone’s general way of doing things. Nil, I can empathize with depression and stress etc but I get the feeling that if I do, you’ll just try to exploit that sympathy for more poor behavior. I recommend you drink less on match days man.
I also think you need to at least quietly knowledge this stuff to yourself and next time leave out the bloody excuses. I’d much prefer for someone to just say “sorry lads, I was a fucking asshole last night.” .. Seriously, that without bullshit excuses is much better than a “sorry but I’m not sorry.. because I’ve never once personally abused someone”.
All this aside though, if you have mental health problems at the moment then you need to address them. Drink less and see a shrink. Get whatever exercise you can (you said you have some physical health issues). others have suggested that you don’t post on match days but I think you can find a way to avoid the incredible dip in your mood but if you can’t then this is the way to go.
I know I’ve not walked on egg shells here but I mean it, I do want you to continue here but you’ve just got to get your head back in a good place man. GL
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16th August 2019 at 6:03 am #45443“First point to clear up: The reason why I supposedly ignore comments is simply because it causes a disruption to the thread”
Your rants cause disruption to the thread. I’ve actually been a member of this site from probably near the beginning but I didn’t post for a long time because all I could see when I logged on were your rants. Now suppose someone comes across this site on Wednesday and takes a look. They won’t see “Football debate, only better”, they will see your rants and probably move on. Not good.
“(If anybody has an issue with my comments, I would suggest they can contact me via email through Ed).”
Everyone has problems with your comments, they have told you already, you sound like you are in denial.
Mak made some good suggestions in his post above. I don’t know your personal state of mind, it’s none of my business, but if it sounds like you could need help then the first thing is that you need to want it. And before that you need to acknowledge to yourself there’s a problem in the first place.
I don’t want this to sound like a vendetta against you, I’ve mentioned before that not during match day, and maybe whilst sober, your posts are interesting. You’ve apologised, I think it’s fair to say most on here took it with a pinch of salt, now lets see if you can back up that apology by behaving in a way fitting for this forum.
Enough from me on the matter, lets get back to football issues.
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16th August 2019 at 7:14 am #45445Tad annoyed myself now
As someone who has suffered from depression for many years with many dire consequences of that and my actions due to that both at work and personally i find that being used as an excuse to get drunk and write what you want to be incredibly offensive.
yes yes Nancy have it…..im an Arsenal fan so it goes hand in hand 😉
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16th August 2019 at 7:22 am #45447oh and welcome Lucky D, always a great poster both on football and non football items
havent had a juicy non footy item for an age though mores the pity!
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16th August 2019 at 7:35 am #45449Been there, done that, and got the t-shirt Buffy… my sneezing in your general direction is and always has been strictly limited to your shitty taste in football teams!! 🙂
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16th August 2019 at 7:38 am #45450Mak, I get your point, and to be honest I don’t hate any club, I’m quite blasé when it comes to pro football nowadays, more concerned with the teams I coach, though I don’t get into the state of mind some on here do about things that they cannot do anything about, anyway I digress.
Back to the statement, I still believe you are better than that, thinking someone is a tosser just because they hate what you like just seems a bit odd to me, although taking on board the way and manner it’s said I can see where you’re coming from.
As for Mr. Balance, I don’t believe him to be a tosser either, but he does have certain issues in regards to emotion outbursts, which I hope he can learn to address as it could in real life situations land him in serious trouble.
Anyway Mak, I seem to have got your back up, which I didn’t mean to do, saying you were better than that was meant as a positive comment towards you, if I’ve caused any offence I’m deeply sorry…..Pagan
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16th August 2019 at 7:40 am #45452Nancy you Malmo living spud loving son of a motherless goat….its all good, i know you have brain farts and i get the splatter 😉
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16th August 2019 at 7:42 am #45454Oagan, now thats how to apologise, not sure what for but thats how its done!
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16th August 2019 at 7:48 am #45455What else are Goonies good for, other than to be splattered??
The clue is in the ARSEnal I would have thought??
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16th August 2019 at 8:01 am #45456this is true and of course it would be a spud to splatter people 😉
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16th August 2019 at 8:06 am #45457Snakey, I apologised because, although I’m an infrequent poster due to having two kids who are very sporty and hence take up a lot of my “free” time, I do find this site a balanced discussion forum, that doesn’t have the tirade of abuse between people that is found elsewhere on the interweb, which is a credit to the regular posters on here and the way it is policed by Ed and 999, and personally I believe if you think you’ve rocked the boat or got someone’s back up on here an apology is required as collectively we need to keep this place as it is, a place where footy fans of any club can discuss and debate in a reasoned manner…..Pagan
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16th August 2019 at 8:11 am #45458Nil, that’s great advice from both threeps and Mak, I hope you take it on board. Unfortunately everytime this happens you trot out the same excuses it’s so predictable I could have even written that part of your post for you.
Forget the apologies and the excuses and change your behaviour on here that is the only thing that will count.
I’m sympathetic to your suggestion that you’ve got both physical and mental health issues (depression but only slight) but you won’t be the only one with health issues posting on here look at poor Bricky and what he’s having to cope with although you would never know it from his posts.
Everyone has stressful issues that they have to cope with in life and much more stressful than any little upsets at work too which in my experience are a regular occurrence in any sort of commercial role.
What I would say though is that if you need medical help seek it to help you overcome your problems.
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16th August 2019 at 8:11 am #45459good man yourself Pagan
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16th August 2019 at 9:51 am #45462Cheers nine and stevo
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16th August 2019 at 9:53 am #454633ps, and Nine,
Again, I’ve read new replies/comments etc. First of all I think the word Rant is exaggerated. There was an interview with the fans and Gary Neville I viewed online which was at best slightly heated on United’s plight and that was because both sets of fans are passionate. For some reason though, it got Titled as a ‘Rant’. Probably to encourage Mouse-Clicks.
On Matchdays as people call it, most games are played in the afternoon. The European Super Cup to me is a all but a one-off. I’m not trying to justify my actions or my behaviour, but I didn’t see prior to the match any comments saying “hopefully a comfortable Liverpool win”, or Liverpool to win by a couple of goals. It was more about how Chelsea were going to respond.
For somebody who’s been used to seeing success in the past, these last 10 to 12 years have not been great and we have been through some baron spells. Some cyclical and predictable.
At times it becomes precious and a little desperate so passion definitely from me is exerted. There are natural assumptions being made without actual facts/evidence on being under the influence. People react differently at times depending on what type of day they have had.
These are not excuses, this is Life, and some people’s existence. For some, there’s not always a great deal to look forward to and so they hold onto something that feels precious to them. Not that it’s the way to go about it, but rival teams knowing they can compete become a level of threat. That means you become more defensive and you want to try and get your team with as many goals as you can, quickly to wrap up the game in Normal Time.
I communicate outside this Forum too on WhatsApp with Work Colleagues, Friends Family etc, and sometimes expletive’s are used. It’s just instinctive in the way some people react. Those who know me know that I’m pleasant and generally mild-mannered.
3ps, I mentioned this in my reply last night on not being considerate towards others. It is starting to feel now like there’s a rope around my neck and I’ve been dragged through the mud from one end to another as a way of being punished.
I just want to put all this behind me and just carry on living.
Once again I am sorry for some of my comments made that were offensive or if it did cause offence. I understand it was not right for a General Forum of this nature.
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16th August 2019 at 10:35 am #45464Anonymous
Guys, I’ve said some really horrible things in my time on social media. Largely because its anonymous and you can get away with it. If we extrapolate this thread into verbal English, you get Arsenal fans TV. (Sorry Stevo) and some rants from Chelsea fans during Sarri’s tenure in one the blue nation or whatever it is.
This is a really nice forum, good banter and thoughts… Its very enjoyable. I hope the traffic is picking up and we get more people on here.
There is a big weekend of football ahead of us and more twists and turns than a child wielding a zombie knife… (see how easy it is to upset people?) Lets just focus on that. The super cup is done. Long live the premiership until the first international brake where we all go a little tonto because the premiership is on hold for 10 days next month.
Have a good weekend people.
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