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12th October 2020 at 10:57 am #168329
Ed, it will be 10 clubs with protected prem status, they would need a majority in order to maintain power.
I would also think that any pay per view monies in the future becomes the income of the teams involved and as such would not be included in the percentage given to the other leagues….Pagan
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12th October 2020 at 11:37 am #168330More questions than answers and whilst there are some sensible proposals some of the proposals make me deeply uneasy.
I certainly don’t agree with just 6 Clubs having the say so on everything re the PL in the future.
I suspect much of this will fall by the wayside going forwards and eventually be nowhere near as radical as it is in the proposal.
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12th October 2020 at 4:46 pm #168338European Superleague-here it comes.Football,as we knew it is dead.
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12th October 2020 at 5:06 pm #168339Ed, the ones with special status are the big 6 plus those that have been ever present in the prem.
£250m isn’t that much when it’s shared between 92 clubs, and as they say there’s no such thing as a free dinner, and once you’ve eaten from the master’s table your stuck….Pagan
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12th October 2020 at 5:13 pm #168340I am uneasy with it too, but in principle would we all agree that if the prem are to be held responsible for the survival of English football and the government wash their hands then don’t the prem deserve increased controls over the organisations they are guaranteeing? I think this is too much of a grab and will be rejected though.
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12th October 2020 at 6:02 pm #168342LD, I think all the prem is responsible for is selling the soul of football fo thirty pieces of silver, now they’re trying to ease their conscience by being the knight on their charger riding in to save the day, however if you take a closer look they’re probably less the knight in shining armour, but more one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse…..Pagan
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12th October 2020 at 6:14 pm #168344Pagan, is the premier league responsible for the state of Lower league football or the effect covid has had?
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12th October 2020 at 6:56 pm #168345LD, when they split from the old league structure they successfully sucked out all the money they could from the game and gave it to players and agents. I’d love to have someone convince me that the the top footballers are worth the money they earn and to justify agents fees being payed by clubs to them when they actually work for the players.
If it’s thought that the money being so generously given by the Prem teams is them supporting the game, then we only need think it’s equivalent to Chelsea’s transfer budget, and probably falls way short of their wage bill.
COVID has had a far greater effect on the lower league clubs as they’re more dependent on match day revenue, however players at all level now have a far more inflated worth of themselves and clubs have had to stretch themselves to be competitive, this is a direct effect of the money at the top end of the game and the desire of clubs and fans to reach the holy grail of top division….Pagan
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12th October 2020 at 7:12 pm #168346Pagan, more money than ever imagined was brought in to the game following the formation of prem league.
You know how markets work pagan, the success of club in terms if trophies and money is based on the quality of its players more than any other factor, which is why it is easy to justify 50% of turnover at least to be spent on players. The level of money is relative and I completely agree is absurd to think about at top level, but completely rational and to be expected as in all markets.never heard anyone complain about how much money Anthony Hopkins makes in a movie when there are small time actors volunteering for roles. Bloody hell.
I am sorry you don’t like the game any more mate. I am not stressed about it because I think things in general are going to get so fucked up over next 10 to 20 years that the loss of football as we know it will be the last thing we mourn.
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12th October 2020 at 7:15 pm #168347Pagan, the wages players earn are the wages clubs agree to pay for crying out loud I could have an inflated worth of myself but won’t get me a pay raise!
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12th October 2020 at 8:19 pm #168351I think it’s pretty certain that this proposal in its entirety won’t go through unchanged. Assuming it goes any further than a discussion paper.
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12th October 2020 at 8:29 pm #168352Don’t vote for it.
Wanting to extend preseason friendlies is the clue in itself.
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12th October 2020 at 8:39 pm #168353Nike you are spot on there and that bit didn’t twig with me until you mentioned it, of course the pre season extension is for extra money in overseas tournaments and friendlies. More time to prepare for season? Yeah right! 🙂
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12th October 2020 at 8:41 pm #168354Agree won’t go through as is nine, will be interesting to see what is settled on though because the clock is ticking.
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12th October 2020 at 9:02 pm #168355Haha, Lucky, there’s no such thing as something for nothing 🙂
It really would be the other clubs best interest to vote against this.
Otherwise, what you’re agreeing to is these clubs effectively being ‘Stakeholders’ and given power and possibly license to be able to make decisions. That could be dangerous to the fabric of the game as we know it.
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12th October 2020 at 9:38 pm #168359Anonymous
If this project or something similar does not go ahead many clubs will cease to exist. Im not going to go to all the trouble of explaining it just find and read the articles. This pandemic has caused such seriously critical harm in so many different ways
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12th October 2020 at 9:40 pm #168361Anonymous
Some good points here. I have to say lads, Im coming more around to this proposal. Are the rich clubs exploiting their power a little? Sure and you cant expect them to do any different, however this will benefit pretty much every club in some way. An 18 team league will give us the chance to perform better in Europe alright, where fixture congestion can really take it’s toll.
As for these richer clubs having more of a say, maybe this is actually for the best. a break-away league is never too far away these days and for the clubs that do more than any to make and keep the PL in such high global regard, to have more of a say in where it goes from here might be a good thing.
I have to winder though, how long do they intend to give 25% of their revenue to the lower leagues? Surely thats only for a while? I am in favour of them financially supporting them but is that amount sustainable? Is it only for the virus?
Ed, true enough regards Villa etc but you know what, why should Villa have more of a say than City even if they have played more PL matches? They’ve never won it, they’ve done nothing in Europe in decades. City may be financial dopers but they’ve helped put the PL on the map (well, or more like they helped keep it there). I am not entirely pleased with the idea that we’ll have 2 fewer PL clubs. I think we’re super competitive with 20 but the plus sides to it are too good to ignore I guess. It’ll still be kinda sad though. Who will those clubs be? I have been saying Leeds are a proper PL sized team and should be here, Newcastle are the same. Will one of them be the team to be cut off? Maybe not this season but they are just examples.
Shall we setup a poll and see where people stand on it?
Anyway, Im starting to think that this needs to get the green light. Im not 100% happy about it but I am a lot happier than I was, initially.
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13th October 2020 at 8:08 am #168364Anonymous
I had a thought about this nonsense last night, and you know what, Sure the premier league. Essentially, let the championship clubs go to the wall. If they haven’t been run correctly, they need to go out of business. They should simply ban clubs being relegated into their division from the premiership and cut them loose. Let them do whatever they want… The idea being fan consortiums come in and buy the clubs when theyre nothing and build them up sustainably. The reason clubs are going out of business is simply because theyre not being run well… much like the debt ridden premiership clubs. Fuck the premier, EFL stand up, accept defeat and build something far more strong than the premiership. If the EFL clubs said we dont want your relegated teams unless we get 750 million. Tell them to do one.
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13th October 2020 at 8:23 am #168365This proposal has allegedly been under discussion between John Henry and Joel Glazer for three years if that’s true it’s got little to do with the pandemic however lots of Clubs in the EFL are under threat and have been for some time even some Clubs in the Championship are struggling and below the PL crowds are key to the survival of Championship Clubs who don’t enjoy the TV monies and sponsorship and kit deals of the PL Clubs particularly the top PL Clubs.
But it’s difficult to accept this was in anyway set up as a vehicle to help the EFL Clubs albeit it might because imo that’s just a strategy to sugar coat the proposals.
There are parts of the proposal that I could be positive to and other parts of it that I couldn’t and I think it could get incredibly messy from here taking just the proposal to reduce the number of Clubs in the PL from 20 to 18 which would be an alarm bell to at potentially 10 Clubs in the PL and turkeys don’t vote for Christmas so I can’t see how that one might progress.
Be interesting to be a fly on the wall at this week’s PL meeting where this will be discussed openly for the very first time.
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13th October 2020 at 10:23 am #168367I note with interest the driving forces behind the money grab. Anything to do with leveraged buyouts and increasing debt? Surely not.
The whole thing will be a disaster. Aĺl that has happened is that some clubs cannot function in this environment with enormous debt.
For comparison look around the economy. Just recently Edinburgh Woolen Mills Group (inc Peacocks. Jaeger etc) British Airways, Pizzahut etc etc etc. What do they all have in common ….leveraged buyouts, reduced demand and debt that is difficult to service.
And Ed Im not just getting at Utd!! This has been coming. FFP? Do me a favour….._____________________________
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