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        I’ve heard that City are favourites for next season. I mean, I think they’ve a pretty good chance of it but there’s no getting away from the fact that they’ve lost 9 games. Liverpool lost 3 and come on, if they really needed the remaining points, does anyone think they’d even have lost 3? Not a chance.

        That said, City are absolutely blowing teams away right now and look like they have something to prove. I think the CL ban hanging over them, had them all fired up to win it this season and although the ban has been scratched, their momentum has remained and this is important. There will be a break before football restarts and perhaps this will reset things again but I’d feel a lot better about this had Liverpool kept on playing the way they are capable of.

        So with all this in mind, I give City a 35% chance of taking the title next season. Liverpool are the other 65% for me. I know Chelsea and Utd are going to be A LOT closer next term but I think it’s too early for them. Chelsea are spending incredibly well but is it possible to close that gap in a single transfer window? Look, maybe it is, football will surprise you but I think not.


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          Yeah City as low as evens (SKY BET). I think Chelsea will jump above Utd when their transfer business is done, too.

          Manchester City
          Manchester Utd


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            It’s our year next year ?


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            Chucky McChuckface

              2nd at best, Buffy, as you always finish below us Spuds, again, and again, and again…

              Not going to comment on the odds, but I do think that gap between LiVArberoOol’s and Man Cheaty is nowhere as big as the points total would suggest and nor do I think the odds/points between YooUtd/Ruskie Boys and my Spuds is anywhere near as big either. Of course, hard to really tell/comment until the transfer window is closed as you never know who gets who…

              But absolutely between this years Top2 for the title, with the other three battling out for 3rd/4th/5th (with likely order being Yooutd, Ruskie Boys, Spuds… and Buffy’s Red ‘N White Barmy Army being lucky of they get 6th…

              I’m going with:
              1) Cheaty
              2) LiVARberoOol’s
              3) YooUtd
              4) Ruskie Boys
              5) Spuds
              6) Wolves
              7) Buffy’s Red ‘N White Barmy Army.


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              nine nine nine

                Difficult to predict currently it depends who strengthens and with whom and in what positions.

                I think everything will be a lot closer next season between Liverpool and City in whatever order they finish and it’s much tougher to win the PL title back to back which is why only United and Chelsea who have done it but I wouldn’t write it off.

                I also think the gap will close between Liverpool/City and the other two Clubs in the top 4.


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                  I keep hearing that the gap between City and Liverpool is nowhere as big as suggest but in truth it is, City lost 9(!!) games this season and as we all know the table never lies. That’s a lot of points for City to get back. They have a few aging players, Silva will be off to pastures new, Aguero applying for his free bus pass and Fernandinho’s legs have gone. That’s a large part of their spine now gone or past their best. There’s also a huge question mark over the defence and keeper (great distribution, average saving ability and likes to go for a walk upfield too much for my liking). Liverpool players on the other hand are still either at their peak or approaching it.

                  If no players are bought then I’d say Liverpool would walk the league again, with maybe Chelsea pushing City hard for runners up given the transfers already confirmed. But as we all know the Sheikh is rather good as conjuring up a few spare billion and getting away with it when needs be so I’d expect a few transfers. Centre back is the obvious one and equally obvious would be Koulibaly, although he is a left sided right footed CB so would need to shift for Laporte. But knowing Pep he might just continue to play Fernandinho there and blow 50m on Tagliafico from Ajax, because you simply cannot have enough 50m+ full backs on the bench.

                  Cannot see Liverpool adding any first teamers unless someone leaves.


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                    Very much depends on the window
                    Especially for us …..


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                      Ya Threeps. Both City and Liverpool have deadly attacks, with City having a better midfield (or at least offensively) but some of their players are beyond peak, another year older. The key though is that Liverpool have got the best back 5 in the world, whilst City have been caught out loads of times. The gap is exactly what the gap is and I’d say it’s even more. Liverpool havent needed to win in a good while now and it’s showing.

                      The thing wrong with what I said above though is that I think mentality is a big factor and if Liverpool don’t start strong then City might get into the swing of things and we know what they are like when they smash everyone by 3, 4 or 5 goals.

                      I agree with you though, I think it’s just odd that City are such strong favourites and although we can’t expect to be knocking on a century every season, luck with injuries and we’ll probably be high 80s, or even 90s. I agree, City will need to start spending and I’m just not sure how they’ll slip the kind of money required, past FFP.
                      This season, for me (besides LFC), was about Leicester and Wolves and whether they could take a step forward. I think the coming one will be all eyes on Utd and Chelsea. They are the PL’s only hope of stopping it from becoming another 2 horse race. I’m calling them both to nail down CL places already.


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                        Never heard of Cheaty.
                        Is that those teams in red?


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                          Whylook at City re FFP.
                          All the clubs will be making losses this year. I understand the FFP rules are to be revised.
                          Perhaps the original basis – debt will be introduced. I have it on very good authority that City had very constructive talks with UEFA about revision of FFP. Lets see.

                          I think UEFA are going to take more account of accepted accounting ratios to establish financial stability such as debt:equity, wage to turnover, gross and net margins. But so I understand not next season.

                          Source : Accountant football expert but cant say who but he does appear in the media from time to time.We will see!


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                          Brian blue

                            Threes…I am not to concerned about our squad for next season, yes we do need freshening up. Silva, my favourite from this era, gone, but we have capable replacements, Augerro replacement will be hard to find but somebody will emerge. Fernandinho will be used sparingly, still a good player and he may even leave yet. Bravo, we know about. Otemendi, people love to criticise him but he has given us good service..another for going, maybe.I would rather have him than Maguire at his price
                            The team will be built around KDB and I expect plenty of goals again from a number of positions not just one. Bottom line is nobody is certain for No1 slot and there is always a surprise waiting for us pundits City formation and tactic will change next year I believe. We lost 9 games this year to date, most we played OK but did not score or gave away silly goals, that will be addressed but we have kept a lot of clean sheets and scored more than anybody else but the statistics as they are do not lie For entertainment value, some may not bother about this, they are good to watch and makes you feel you have been to a football match. I am not a Mendy fan, he has so much going for him but just does not use his capabilities to the full. Stones will be transferred I think, Garcia has made his mark now. I do not know anything really


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                            sean the sailor

                              I wouldn’t be as confident as you threeps. We have been very lucky that our front 3 didn’t suffer serious injuries

                              Laporte was a huge miss for city.

                              I fancy city for next season

                              They will bring more players in. Liveroool won’t

                              Chelsea have night really well so far and will spent again

                              Utd will spend aswell


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Don’t blame me Adders, it was Special K… πŸ™‚

                                (But if the shoe fits and all that……)

                                As for LiVARberoOol’s, as Waspy says, something that has counted in their favour is they have seemingly been pretty damn lucky with injuries the last 18 months or so, and they’ve even had the ANC moved too. Fully expect Cheaty City to sort out the defense over summer and absolutely be back in the 90 plus point range by the end of next season. Those saying LiVARberoOol’s are not only going to repeat it but also walk it by Easter are smoking some seriously good stuff…


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                                  Whylook at City re FFP.”

                                  Given that the discussion was on City needing to spend, I’m not going to look at Norwich for FFP now am I πŸ˜›

                                  Don’t be be so sensitive about the very mention of FFP. If it were a case of Liverpool needing to buy 2-3 top players then I’d have brought up FFP for us but Liverpool are pretty much fine, unless we’re unlucky with injuries but that’s a given.


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                                    ” Those saying LiVARberoOol’s are not only going to repeat it but also walk it by Easter are smoking some seriously good stuff… ”

                                    Nobody has said we’re definitely going to walk it. City have to sort their defence out though. I’m unfortunately confident they will but the points gap we have now is merited. I don’t think we’ll be quite as strong as we were this season, I mean we won the PL before any other team, so it’s almost impossible to be better. The question is, with other teams improving and Liverpool maybe not doing quite as well, where do the chips fall? As expected we’ve got a mix, some saying City, some Liverpool. There are reasons to back one or the other.

                                    Sean, I expected you to say Liverpool if I’m honest. Believer Sean is taking a back seat for this season or? πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›


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                                      Liverpool to win again next year,but not with 20+ pnts over City:



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                                        But Sean, I had the exact same arguments lasts season and looked what happened… πŸ™‚

                                        I did say if no spending would happen. Everyone needs to play catch up to Liverpool so they need to spend. As always buying players can be a hit or miss, some take time to adjust, some just never live up to the expectations. Some take the league by storm also.

                                        Everything will depend on what signings are made and how they improve their teams. Right now Liverpool are the team with the least pressing concerns over transfers so are my clear favorites on the basis of what that team did this season. City have a few players that are getting on a bit hence I don’t rate their chances that high but that could easily change.

                                        Without wanting to upset the City lads but I’d love a Liverpool vs Utd battle for the league (as long as we win obviously).


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                                          Exactly Threeps, I’m with you there and don’t worry, Sean will be too, whether he likes it or not.

                                          As for a title race against utd. That’d be great. we’d be aiming for the 20 : 20 (titles), in 2021.

                                          Our team are all set, Klopp will have another pre-season on the training pitch to polish the already smooth edges. I would like 1 decent signing though, just to keep us fresh. I don’t think there is a position on the pitch that really requires any attention though, simply as backup/competition. If Klopp wants to go into the season without signing a single player though, I’ll support it. Name another side who don’t need to sign anyone?

                                          The only issue is how we start and the underlying mentality of the players. It’s not easy to win back to back titles and not just because it’s hard to win the PL. Motivation can be a difficult thing to sustain. I think Klopp will get them fired up though.


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                                          Mikus LFC

                                            It will be a closer race, but too many unknowns at the moment with regards to transfers. Also the impact of no crowd will start to affect some teams.


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