Home Community General Football Part One: Done and Dusted!! Rate your team!!!

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  • #200896
    Chucky McChuckface

      So, here we are, with the enforced winter break upon us…

      After the best start for 60 odd years, my Spuds went all Spudsy yet somehow still remain in the Top 4. A little disappointted but 14 games in 41 days was always going to be a test and a half, with the team finally limping over the line with a bloody entertaining 4-3 over Leeds, leaving us with the thought we could have perhaps a few more points on the board than what we already have!!

      Some injuries to key players hasn’t helped, but that’s the same for all teams, quietly opptimistic for the 2nd half of the season. Hopefully, Cuti and (on-form) Sonny will be back, along with the Ginja Ninja… and a new RWB to replace Royal (or start playing the other 2 we already have, they really couldn’t be any worse!!).. and perhads another CB to replace either Dier or Davies… I’m pretty confident we can stay TOP 4 with a relatively injury free 2nd half of the campaign.

      Have to give them a B-Minus for the season so far I think, pretty decent but could have been slightly better….


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      nine nine nine

        C minus for Chelsea. Massive room for improvement!


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        sean the sailor

          Lafs all the clubs have really been hit by injuries apart from utd and Arsenal. Injuries don’t affect city as they have so many top players.

          Liverpool have really missed konate, Diaz and to some extent jota as we have no one to play on the left even though nunez did well there yesterday. I’m hoping for a proper midfielder in jan. To many players out of form and far to many injuries.

          Hoping we come back fresher after the wc. Best players have been a Alisson, Salah and nunez becoming a real threat in the last 6 weeks. He has all the attributes to become a top player. 9 goals in 18 games and 5/6 of those as a sub. Great start for him after being written off so early in the summer . Still loads to improve on

          Big disappointments vvd and Trent. We badly need two midfielders aswell which I’ve no idea were the money will come from


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            Utd haven’t been hit by injuries Sean? Martial is our first choice striker and hardly played a game. Antony been injured. Varane injured. Maguire been injured. Sancho out. Greenwood suspended. Rashford been out. Wish that was true Sean!

            Utd have more injuries at present than any other team 😄https://www.premierinjuries.com/injury-table.php


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              As for my side, I’m going to say C+. Poor start but picked up since then albeit been very much up and down which is exactly what I expected for Ten Hag’s first season. As I’ve been saying all along, until Ronaldo is gone and De Gea replaced, I don’t think we’ll see us playing how Ten Hag wants.

              Definitely need to start blaming injuries like you lot do though 😉


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                Can of worms opening up and going into great lengths and we’ll all intelligent enough to see the obvious causes of what has and hasn’t helped our progress so far.

                It is forgivable though putting this into wider context and how much hard work has been dedicated over the last 4/5 years. Maybe a D+


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                nine nine nine

                  Ed. I went on to that site and United have the same number of injuries as Chelsea. Congrats on keeping up.😊


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                    We try our best Nine 😄. What I meant was nobody has more than us rather than we have more than anyone.


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                    Chucky McChuckface

                      Let’s face it, and as I mentioned in my opening post, pretty much all sides ahve had injuries to key players at some stage (except maybe Goonies? They seem to be playing the same 11 every week?!?!), which is way I think all teams are a bit up and down form wise. This season is where we find out about how good a clubs squad depth/manager is… Jan window is going to be very interesting.


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                      Chucky McChuckface

                        Sweedy, is having Maguire injured actually a problem? I think the majority of us would prefer him to be fit and playing every week!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

                        And YooUtd might as well “un-suspend” Greenwood, other clubs don’t seem to have a problem with playing players who really shouldn’t be playing…


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                        nine nine nine

                          Ed. I’m not sure where Greenwood will be going but it’s unlikely to be back to United.

                          Big difference Chucky is that Greenwood has been charged and is due to appear in Manchester Crown Court on November 21st whereas the unnamed player is on bail and has yet to be charged and will play in the World Cup.

                          Is continuing to play for your Club and in the World Cup ok like you I’m not sure.


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                            Arsenal deserve an A.

                            If you remember the game at the Emirates last season V City, they played the first half well and one period of passing the ball was exceptional.

                            From an outsider, it seems to me a combination of as not many injuries, filling gaps and strengthening in areas they needed, e.g. Saliba, Jesus. One other player I can’t think off the top of my head. Plus, individuals more established.

                            Gelled allowing them to be more ruthless in games, and consistent.

                            Newcastle equally been different gravy so far this season.

                            Huge credit to both and well in deserve of A/B Grades.


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                              Very true on that last paragraph Chucky 🤣

                              With the likes of Maguire being injured, it’s about depth as much as anything. Even if they wouldn’t start, not having someone like him fit means the likes of Varane play too much and ultimately get injured.

                              I very rarely mention injuries though to be honest. Only brought it up because Sean seemed to think we’d not had any. It’s pointless to bring up at times like this when we’re all (City aside) struggling with the same thing because of the compresses schedule.


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Fair do’s puppy, but I’m think YooUtd “dropped” their player long before charges were actaully made (and credit to YooUtd for doing so), rather than get pathetic “don’t actaully work” court injunctions while the case was being investigated.


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                                  No I don’t think he will come back Nine and that’s been a huge miss on the pitch but he’s where he deserves to be.


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                                  nine nine nine

                                    Thrown his career away Ed. But if found guilty he deserves everything he gets.


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                                    nine nine nine

                                      Yeah I agree with that Chucky.


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                                        Completely agree Nine


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                                        Mikus LFC

                                          I saw some of the problems coming at Liverpool before the season started, particularly regarding the midfield, but I didn’t think it would be quite as bad as it panned out. The problem with the team is that it has to press a lot to be at its best and/or it needs that fear factor up top which helps it to dominate games. But it has lost that a bit with the transitional period accommodating Nunez as well as injuries to others, and just not having the right personnel and legs in midfield. Other teams also aren’t afraid to have a go at us now. Plus others just haven’t performed well. So it’s a team in decline/transition.

                                          Whilst we all know the general sell to buy model of the club, it was still a major mistake not to address the midfield earlier instead of panicking at the last minute bringing in another injury prone midfielder. So my beef is more with the transfer side of things and I’m afraid Klopp has to take some responsibility here as he insisted for a lot of the window that we didn’t need a midfielder, then later admitting he was wrong.


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                                          sean the sailor

                                            Sorry Ed lol I got that wrong mate!


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