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  • #205133
    Mikus LFC

      Ed, is it not just the case that after the 3rd goal, Utds players heads just dropped and that was that?


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        Cyber-hype? We just won a trophy and knocked out probably the best team in Europe outside of the PL in the EL. Since goals/results are the only thing that matter, right? πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰

        Don’t you realise Chucky that you’re saying the only thing that matters is the goals then proceeding to say Utd haven’t been as good as everyone says recently and thereby completely contradicting your “goals is everything” point? The very fact we all see games differently is the reason xg exists. If the alternative to xg and data insights is to check in with forums/social media to gauge how a team is doing then I’m taking the new stats revolution every single day.


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          Mikus, I’d say that’s very fair yes. We were hammered and that’s the reality, in case anyone still thinks I’m trying to excuse it πŸ˜„


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            Lads, Xg just gives a measure of the quality of chances and approximates the number of goals that would usually lead to based on averages of all players in league, whether great or shite.

            What all are missing here is that great players and teams outperform Xg on a mixture of luck but mostly quality.

            In both pool loss to Madrid and pool victory over utd the winning team grossly out performed their xg. Madrid did it because of the quality they had in junior and benzema, they can’t be held to laws of the average and Xg becomes meaningless if it ignores that it was the superior quality on the night that made the difference and led to Xg being exceeded.

            For utd loss, sure utd fans can claim bad luck that it was 7 but it wasn’t bad luck that pool scored more than Xg of 3 as much of that was down to the superior quality of salah, gakpo and nunez of the day.

            All the analysis in the world leads to same conclusions, real destroyed pool and pool destroyed utd.


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              Again, I haven’t once mentioned luck, Lucky πŸ˜„. Not once have I claimed Utd were unlucky. We deserved everything we got. Not sure how many times I’ve reiterated that. What I’m suggesting is that it’s a freak occurrence to have a swing from a 2 goal xg difference to a 7 goal difference. Going forward, we can expect that will not happen again so this result shouldn’t take away from all the good work/results we’ve had this season, just as Liverpool’s hammering by Madrid doesn’t take anything away from this fantastic result they got yesterday.


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                Ed, did I say you did?


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                  I know you admitted you were hammered I was giving my thoughts on the Xg mental gymnastics


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                    Fair enough. I thought your 4th paragraph was aimed at me. I don’t think I’ve read a single comment by Utd fans saying we were unlucky though tbh.


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                      Not unlucky to lose Ed, unlucky to lose by 7, I think that’s implicit in nevilles analysis and yours.


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                      Chucky McChuckface

                        I thought they were lucky to only lose by 7… πŸ™‚


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                          Again, not at all what I’m saying Lucky. My point is not that we were unfortunate to lose by 7 but that such a freak swing in Xg goal difference (2) to real goal difference (7) is not something you can expect to be a regular occurrence and so we shouldn’t be too disheartened and let it derail our season. Full credit to Liverpool for taking their chances much more effectively than we did. There’s no way anyone can interpret that as me or anyone else saying we were unlucky to lose.


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                            I’m definitely not interpreting you as saying utd were unlucky to lose


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                              Or even unlucky to lose by 7. Absolutely not what I’m saying.
                              We weren’t unlucky
                              . 😁


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                                Then we agree Ed πŸ‘ utd deserved to lose 7-0 and all this talk about Xg is just mental gymnastics to help you accept it πŸ˜‰


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                                sean the sailor

                                  But Ed you said utd can take some comfort because of this xg rubbish lol. You can absolutely take no heart from Sunday. Absolutely nothing positive from getting humiliated by your nearest rivals. You can take huge positives from the season and just move on from Sunday.

                                  Utd lost cause they threw in the towel after 3-0. That’s it which is shameful just like us v real and villa. Nothing worse then downing tools by professional players.

                                  You said we got the bobbles wtc, does that no mean a bit of luck and I don’t get exactjy what you mean by saying everything went for us? Bobbles etc? There was none, shaw made a horrendous mistake for goal 6. Nunez goal was from across that was first blocked

                                  Sorry I find it absolutely bizarre we are even debating this

                                  I took absolutely nothing from the heavy villa defeat. We were pathetic and it was shameful. They scored 7 goals, not sure if there was any bobbles though lol. Sorry mate, you have Andy Goldstein saying losing 7-0 is better then 3-0. Wow !


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                                  Mikus LFC

                                    In other words, sh*t happens…


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                                      I only needed to say it about 8 times πŸ˜‚. I always had you down as a fan of XG Lucky. Seemed to remember seeing you mention XG a fair bit. Might be thinking of someone else. I know a lot don’t bother with it. I’m only starting to to accept the benefits of it recently. It’s not, a some seem to believe, a definitive way to determine how well each team played or who deserved to win. However, it’s a damn sight more insightful than reading biased comments from older generation fans who “see the game with their own eyes and don’t need bloody stats”. To put my view on it into perspective, Utd vs Newcastle in the final was an XG of 1-1- We won 2-0. Do I think we were luck to win it based on that? Of course not, but similarly, I wouldn’t be confident on us getting the same result/outcome if that game was played again with the same chances falling to each team. We took our chances (and more) and Newcastle didn’t. Newcastle fans will (and believe me, they are doing) take heart from the xg stats as it shows them the sides aren’t far apart and better finishing would have seen them lift the cup.


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                                        We were not unlucky πŸ˜„

                                        Sean, you’re completely missing my point. It was a hammering. One thing, and it’s a small thing, we can take from it is that from the perspective of quality of chances, Liverpool didn’t create that much more (7 goals worth) chances. They merely put theirs away (and more) which we were unable to do. We were terrible. No getting away from it.


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                                          I genuinely can’t see how anyone can read what I’ve written and think I’m trying to downplay the result. It’s a terrible result.


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                                            Ed, I do like Xg and over a season the data can tell us a lot about a team, even more so when contrasted with actual results.


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