Home Community Liverpool Liverpool V Tottenham Hotspur – Sunday 16:30

  • This topic has 201 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Pagan.
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  • #15001
    nine nine nine

      Sie,ha,ha and good to see you on here mate.


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      Chucky McChuckface

        Exiled Micky… come on mate, about 4 days late with that one, no wonder you lot are called the History Boys! πŸ™‚


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          Luckily squeaky clean Liverpool have never had a player booked for diving. Would be highly embarrassing for their fans if it turned out that their team are one of the worst culprits of it. As I said luckily, Liverpool have never had a player dive therefore all comments about spurs being the worst are completely justified and Liverpool fans can hold their heads high about the fact all their players are saints and would never dream of trying to con the ref.


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            Spurs at it again, diving, in an U23 game vs Liverpool


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            Scouser in exile


              If I hadn’t watched the Spuds Newport game (which amazingly was 4 days later) I wouldn’t have been able to make that comment would I?

              Life tip…………..try getting real.


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              Chucky McChuckface

                So my joke was just as shite as yours…. we’ll call that a 2-2 draw then… πŸ™‚


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                  Settle down you spuds! You all protest too much ?


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                  Scouser in exile

                    Like I said at the start of my original post………”it was a fair result”!


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                    Scouser in exile

                      Nine, cheers mate, you know me I love a bit of a wind up even though I thought it was a tad apposite.


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                        The last couple of seconds is funny

                        Majestic Dives Into Pool

                        Spurs players practising their diving ahead of the North London Derby…?βšͺ️?

                        OpslΓ₯et af SPORTbible pΓ₯ 8. februar 2018


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                        Chucky McChuckface

                          Always liked these ones myslef….(bloody hell, there’s a lot to choose from when you put “Liverpool dives” in Youtube! πŸ™‚ )


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                          paul powers tash

                            Lol Beni πŸ™‚

                            Can’t say I was a fan of the beer.But loved the ads with Peter Kay.
                            Top Bombing πŸ™‚

                            All of them here


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                            Chucky McChuckface

                              But as it’s P.O.E.T.S. day here in Finland and I’m in a jolly mood, I’ll give you all this classic… πŸ™‚


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                              nine nine nine


                                Proof that nobody can take the moral high ground on diving. We’ve all had them and we’ve all got them.


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                                Chucky McChuckface

                                  Never took the high-ground chumster… just offering some cheese from the Spud fromage to go with the Scouse Whine on offer.


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                                  Chucky McChuckface


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                                    nine nine nine

                                      Chucky, no I wasn’t suggesting you were taking the moral high ground mate in fact the reverse I thought you did a very good job of proving that it was silly for anyone to try and do so with your video etc. Cheers 999


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                                        Sure but that video showed the same number of dives that Spurs did in one game, from Gerrards career.


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                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          Come on Mak, you can do better than that… that isn’t even worthy of a Christmas cracker…


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                                            Blimey, are you lot still banging on about who is holier than who in the diving stakes.

                                            Well try this, google diving followed by a team and see how many videos there are, then google the same team and condemning their own players for diving, you may find there’s not many videos of the officials from clubs slating their own players.

                                            Chuckles is dead right on this, all clubs do it, no club is more or less guilty than another, it’s wrong, it needs to stop and the only people that can do that are the players and the clubs themselves….Pagan


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