Home Community Liverpool Summer Transfer Window 2017

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    sean the sailor

      If it was may hightown, I’d sell mate but there’s not enough time in the window to replace him


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      Chucky McChuckface

        I know what I would do…..listen to your Uncle Banjo Chucky! πŸ™‚

        Get on the blower to Barca, tell them in no uncertain terms, you get us VVD from Saints and Katy from Redbull and we’ll give you Wee Phil. Give them all the headaches of sorting things out, and if it comes off, I do genuinely think you’d be better off with VVD and Katy in the team. Much, much more balanced I reckon!


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        nine nine nine

          Circa Β£120m for Coutinho is bonkers money and nobody knows how he will be should he not get this move especially as Barca are a dream club along with Real for most South Americans but whose available now to replace him that’s the problem.


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          Oz Yob

            Yeah Hightown I feel the same. whilst Couts is quality on his day your spot on in that he is very inconsistent & has regular injuries, but as Sean & 9 said we just don’t have enough time to replace him.
            Chucky you could be onto something there mate.


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              @dan-mako great first post. Welcome to the site


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                agree with pretty much everything there.

                If neither RB or Southampton are going to budge, then equally, why should we cave in to and see the red mist the moment any club like Barca or Real table a bid?

                I tried to create a thread the other day, but couldn’t get it on here which pointed out a suggestion in ways to improve the transfer policy and one point I made was that each club’s top 3 best players/earners in their contracts should have a clause where by any club from the outside coming in would have to give 1 window’s notice period.

                This avoids the Andy Carroll scenario and panic buys.

                Looks to me anyway, there’s no back injury, but a bit of a fall-out between little Phillipe and the Gaffer. As you quite rightly point out, it’s great that FSG have dug in their heels, but unfortunately, I can only see this ending up one way, though fetching a potential 120 million would be fabulous as this would pave way to move on a lot of our unwanted players and dead wood with ease and not having to raise so much on their selling fees.


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                  There’s not enough time to replace him. That’s the problem, it’s not that he’s so good we won’t sell, we’ll just be left with a huge hole in the team.


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                    I agree with the wasplicker completely,not enough time to replace now Coutinho!.The season has already started,his sale will cause too much disruption to the team.Make him stay another year!


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                      If Sigurdsson can go for Β£50m,Coutinho SHOULD be Β£150m easy!


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                        I think there is enough time to replace him, but the issue is highlighted by Neymars transfer. Barca got Β£200m for him, but will need to spend most of that on a replacement. They would have managed to get a replacement for far less earlier on in the season, same with Coutinho. Why spend the full fee on a replacement when you could sell him early next summer, find a replacement way before that, at half the price and keep a huge slice of the fee for additional players.


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                          I would go for Lanzini as far as replacements go. The problem I have with this above all (and this is point 2 of what I would do to change the policy of transfers) is the window should shut before our domestic season starts.

                          No club in fairness to them in their right mind would want to be losing any of their key players irrespective of the ridiculous amounts in fees thrown at them.


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                            Alfie-The season has already begun in the EPL and few other major leagues.Not many players capable of replacing Coutinho availavle anyway!.Just read that Juve have offered Β£70m for Kovacic and Real have turned it down.Madness of the highest order.Coutinho should wait another year,by which time Barca would require a massive rebuild-they already do now,but players like Iniesta and Suares will defo need replacing,and then with the likes of Dembele,Griezmann,and Dybala,form the next generation of superstars for Barca!.


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                            nine nine nine

                              And if Coutinho is worth £150m what price Hazard☺️

                              The transfer values now are ridiculous and it’s very difficult to buy and to get your No 1 targets.

                              I think for Liverpool to even consider the bid for Coutinho Barca will have to do better than Β£80m up front and the rest in unrealistic add ons and the longer it goes on the less likely it is to happen.

                              Problem is how all this effects the player once the window closes there is already this alleged back injury with Coutinho so if he’s forced to stay will Liverpool have the same player this season as they had last season?

                              This is probably the beginning of the end now anyway for Coutinho at Liverpool because even if he doesn’t go now it’s unlikely that Coutinho will be at Liverpool in the 2018/19 season same story for Hazard who I fully expect to go to Real next summer.

                              Losing your best player will always be disappointing but it can be softened if you get a great price and have sufficient time to plan a replacement currently Liverpool have neither if the terms of the Barca bid are accurate.


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                              nine nine nine

                                As to when the transfer window should shut closing it before the season starts makes sense but only if it’s a European wide closure if the PL is not in tandem with the other major European leagues it will put the topmPL club’s at a disadvantage v the major club’s in the major European Leagues.


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                                  999-Liverpool should refuse point-blank to sell Coutinho now,it is too late to find a like-for-like replacement,since not many players of his calibre are available.I would put Hazard in the same bracket as Coutinho,Griezmann,Dybala, @ about Β£120m-Β£150m based on the current madness!.


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                                    Losing our best player?

                                    Moreno isn’t leaving is he?


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                                    nine nine nine

                                      Beni, joking aside Moreno has looked a completely different player in his first couple of games.


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                                        He’s looked a bit better but I still think he’s stealing a living as a footballer.

                                        I’d sell him for a book of first class stamps and a pack of toffos

                                        He’s a liability and it’s no coincidence we kept a clean sheet today

                                        Anyway – great to hear from you, I hope you’re fit and well.


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                                          Cheers guys, glad to be here.

                                          Yeah like I said, it is all about the timing. It shows a lack of respect that Barcelona are just trying to bully us into selling. I do understand the food chain, but for me there are differences in our approach.

                                          With VVD, once Southampton got miffed and told us to back off, we backed off. With Keita and RBL, we tried a couple of bids and they were knocked back so we moved on. All this was done EARLY in the window.

                                          Anyway, it almost a matter of principle now. With Suarez we let him go no worries for good money because he had already given us an extra year out of loyalty. He did things the right way by being open about his plans and giving plenty of notice. Couts has had his head turned and the timing is terrible. Suck it up.

                                          As for Moreno I watched all the pre-season games and he was great. Surely there is a time that a players past gets left behind and they get on? I understand that he is a bit volatile but he was not to blame at Watford and he seems to have worked his butt off to get back into the team.



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                                            I thought he was to blame for at least one goal at Watford when he was wrestling the lad to the floor while another ran in behind him. Plus he creates panic and is a bit prone to a Bruce Lee challenge for no reason – will never be a decent player. In half paced friendlies he looked ok.


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