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    Chucky McChuckface

      Getting really bored… ๐Ÿ™‚

      Just read a wonderful bit of cyber fish wrappings that might me smile… it is claimed that as part N-Dumb’s loan agreement with Napoli, if they secure CL football then they have to buy him for 30 million next summer!! I’m suddenly a Napoli fan… ๐Ÿ™‚

      Although, there is a small part of me that wonders how he would do in the 3-5-2 that we somtimes play, slotting in behind Son/Kane with Hodge-Podge and Bentacur either side… not that it will happen, far too lazy for a Conte team, but I reckon that would be the perfect solution for a player who has talent leaking out of him!!

      Anyway, for incomings, a new RWB please (or at least play the 2 other ones we have) and an upgrade on either Dier/Davies and I’ll be a happy camper… not sure about the need for another “attacking player” Conte is after (unless it’s Maddison or similair), certainly don’t need a striker when all are fit.


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        Gakpo to Liverpool. One we’ve been after for a while now. Have to say, I’ve been a bit torn on him. Has good stats in the Eredivisie this season and looked OK in the World Cup I thought. I didn’t really understand our interest in him though as he seems to be best from the left and he wouldn’t start ahead of Rashford and would hinder the progress of Garnacho, not to mention there is still some hope Sancho comes good (who also plays best off the left). Can only think we were looking at him to play centrally like he does for the Netherlands. I really don’t think that’s his strongest position though.

        Could be a good bit of business though for Liverpool for ยฃ37mil potentially rising to ยฃ50mil. Definitely one Liverpool beat us to but not one I’m overly bothered about if I’m honest. Was more bothered we lost out on Nunez but currently that’s looking like we dodged a bullet albeit it’s early days. We had Gakpo all lined up in the summer but chose to prioritise Antony. I am far from convinced by Antony so far but time will tell if we made a big mistake. Good luck to the lad.


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        Mikus LFC

          So we keep signing forwards but no midfielder yet? Understand with Diaz and Jota currently out but surely have to bolster that midfield this month.


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            He makes more sense for Liverpool with Mane having not really been replaced yet. Thoughts on Gakpo Liverpool fans? Imagine it’s quite mixed.


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              Everything points to Bellingham favouring Liverpool Mikus. His Dad is supposedly a Liverpool fan. Liverpool really not messing about in the market now. Suspect they have some new investment lined up.


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              Mikus LFC

                Yeh Iโ€™ve heard that about Bellingham Ed. Fingers crossed.


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                Hightown hope

                  You know, Ed, I do have mixed feelings about Gakpo…not overly excited, just more concerned that the deal doesn’t mean we’re not pursuing Bellingham.

                  However with Gakpo, I remember feeling exactly this way on the signings of both Salah and Mane….and they turned out reasonably successful!


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                    Mixed about Gakpo. Understand what Mikus has said regarding the injuries to Jota and Diaz and with Gakpo mainly operating on the left he can cover them whilst injured but you dont buy a player just to cover injuries for a few months, a player like him will have a progress path laid out and agreed with him. He can also play up front or even on the right, but I have not seen much of him there, and he is another right footed attacker. So where does this leave the squad once everyone is fit? Will one of Diaz or Jota leave as surely we do not need 3 first team AML, or will he play striker and one of Bobby (most likely anyway) or Nunez leave?

                    Would of preferred a left footer attacker to cover both Salah even though he is a machine when it comes to injury prevention and the striker position. Still think Joao Felix is the attacker we need, not Gakpo or Nunez.

                    Don’t think this will impact the pursuit of Bellingham as I am sure that will be for the summer. Not sure how the sale, or investment, or whatever is happening with the club will impact transfers.


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                    Hightown hope

                      threeps – I think this signing signals the end for Bobby. He’s free to talk to other clubs in January, and I think it’s best for both parties if he does go, probably in the summer. We have had diminishing returns in terms of his effectiveness over the last year or two, and he’ll be on big wages. Would be really sad to see him go as he has been my favourite player for much of his time at Anfield, but all good things come to an end. Now for a midfielder or two…or three!


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                        Yeah I get that about Bobby but what can Gapko do that Jota can’t? Apart from not currently being injured. Is he an option up front like Bobby? Or is he an AML that can play up top but not as well as an out an out striker the same as Jota?

                        Too many AML at the club if this goes ahead. 3 senior and one junior in Carvalho with people like Jones able to play there too.


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                        sean the sailor

                          We needed him now as we have no left wife attacker. We need to get top 4 Bobby be going so thatโ€™s nunez and jota as centre forward options . The same was did when we signed Diaz , was he going to play etc. seemingly we were looking to sign this lad this summer but pushed it forward.

                          Very surprised by this but we do need him.


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                          Hightown hope

                            From the little I know about him, he can play a variety of positions. Jota, latterly at least, has struggled to score goals, and seems to be picking up more and more injuries (and long term ones at that). Gakpo fits the age profile required and fits the versatile profile that Mane gave us. I can see in 2 or 3 years Diaz, Nunez and Gakpo being our front three. Obviously at this stage none of us know if he will be a success, but I would hope that Klopp will be able to improve him, in much the same way that he has improved countless players in his time at the club. Time will tell of course, but I am hopeful.

                            None of this, however, changes my opinion that midfielders should be the immediate priority!


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                              Nothing like getting a good wife attacker in Sean! ๐Ÿ˜„


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                                We signed Diaz because Mane was known to be going. You dont sign a player like this because a couple of players are injured until march or even for the rest of the season. He would have a plan already laid out and I doubt someone of his quality and reputation would be happy as 2nd or even 3rd choice.

                                I would guess Jota will make way in the summer but that just because I think Gakpo plays a very similar role and that Jota is the one that can be improved on the most. I could say Nunez as I don’t rate him so far but he is new to a league and could make it good but so far has looked far off what we need. But I’d hope for a better suited no 9 than Gakpo if that were to happen as I think he is more an AML.


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                                sean the sailor

                                  Thatโ€™s it threeps, itโ€™s not a panic buy and we needed him now. Also the same was said about jota and that no one could break into our front 3 which was proved totally wrong.

                                  Ox,jones and carvalhio are not good enough to come into the front 3.

                                  He can play all among yhe front 3. Time will tell but Iโ€™m glad we signed him. Jota is injured at least 2/3 months every season.


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                                  sean the sailor

                                    Weโ€™re not going to sell nunez. You would swear he was playing like Andy Carroll the way people are going on. He makes a significant contribution every game. Another assist last night. If he started off like crouch did then Iโ€™d understand the criticism but he has all the attributes to get better.

                                    Klopp vastly improved all our forward players. Pace to burn. Bizarre decision making and poor finishing but heโ€™s started better then mane did. Heโ€™s need to start burying chances

                                    Manes 1st touch was abysmal when he joined. Nunez also works hard. Jota played centre forward but didbt drop in like bobby did. To say heโ€™s been very poor is very very harsh. Heโ€™s an absolute menace and Iโ€™m convinced he will get better


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                                      It’s just because he’s been missing absolute sitters Sean and cost a lot of money. Very similar to how Werner was criticised every week despite some decent performances for Chelsea and an ok scoring record. It didn’t help that the media and some Liverpool fans were suggesting it would be a battle between Haaland and Nunez and there was loads of debate about who got the best striker. The reality is that comparing anyone to Haaland is silly as his scoring record is off the charts.


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                                        I do actually think Nunez will come good in the end but some of his misses are just comical. Thing is, if he’d come in for ยฃ15mil, nobody would have anything to say. It’s the fact he’s come in for such a huge amount and is making the mistakes he is. If he doesn’t get into those positions and therefore doesn’t miss the chances, there would be less said. He certainly runs Werner close for who makes the best miss compilation and it will be a real test of character to see how he gets through that. Maguire has had it pretty much his whole Utd career. Werner had it while at Chelsea. Lukaku had it his whole career. Videos of his bad touches etc. It takes a strong character to come out the other side.


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                                        sean the sailor

                                          He doesnโ€™t hide Ed. He keeps going.

                                          Never saw one sensible Liverpool fan compare the two to be honest. One is the absolute finished article.

                                          Ah Iโ€™m done defending him to be honest. I totally get peoples opinions. I hope he proves a few people wrong . No doubt his finishing needs to vastly improve but mane was the exact same


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                                            No he does work hard Sean. Hence the Werner comparison. He also did a lot for the Chelsea team but got tons of stick because he missed easy chances. Like I said, I do think he’ll come good in the end.


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