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9th January 2020 at 2:46 pm #58117
“If Sir David Attenborough tells us she’s made more people aware of climate change than he has in the last 20 years , that’s good enough for me.”
He might have said this in support of her, or the general message but it’s definitely not the case. Attenborough is a bloody legend and I think only his own modesty allows such a statement but were it to come from anyone else, I’d have some pretty stern words for that person.
Mikus : “as the Greens also want to get rid of nuclear power as quickly as possible, leaving them with even fewer options.”
This is another reason why I just can’t side with the greens in general. We still have some technological advancement to make in the field but Nuclear power should not be frowned upon, as a potential solution.
Thorium based reactors are AFAIK very close to being viable, if not already so (can’t be arsed re-learning). With this type of reactor, there is no chance of meltdown/catastrophe. The waste is also much less of an issue but the greens are stuck in a mind-frame and will never consider the solution that is sitting right in front of their faces. Wind/solar are not options for every country but if we can get to the point where we can use thorium salts based nuclear power, or something similar then we can actually solve the issues that these people want while remaining financially viable.
That’s the key to it, it has to make sense financially before it’ll ever happen and these people don’t understand this.
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9th January 2020 at 2:53 pm #58118Anonymous
Oz, that’s exactly my stance on this too. There’s very little that a 16 year can teach me but if I sat down and listened to Bill Gates, I know I’d come away with a better understanding of whatever he decided to speak about.
It really annoys me that these appeals to emotion are getting people all worked up when we have so many far more deserving people with better, more informed messages … and they are speaking but nobody wants to listen. Nope, I’ll listen to this vapid ranting instead please. We want catch phrases and headlines. We elect Presidents purely based on the shortest catchiest “messages”.
Klopp : “Thorium reactors are going to save the world, so that’s really cool”.
there 😉
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9th January 2020 at 8:18 pm #58137As a species we are polluting the planet as never before, unfortunately those of us on here put their recycling out and that’s about as far as it goes. The younger generation have to take the lead on this.
For those that don’t think we can learn from the kids and bury their heads in the sand there’s a saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks…..Pagan
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9th January 2020 at 9:05 pm #58141Top 5 most polluting countries
China (30%) The world’s most populated country has an enormous export market, which has seen its industry grow to become a serious danger to the planet. …
United States (15%) The world’s biggest industrial and commercial power. …
India (7%) …
Russia (5%) …
Japan (4%)_____________________________
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9th January 2020 at 9:20 pm #581429, funny that, the countries that manufacture the most pollute the most…Pagan
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10th January 2020 at 8:02 am #58146few points on this, hadnt realised it was still going
i had no idea Greta was Autistic
like everything else us humans have to decide for the beenefit of all we cant and wont do it, one person or country cant make a difference, it HAS tyo be unilateral and done in line with others, until those on the list 9’s put up make those changes nothing will change or at least not quick enough
humanity only changes once fully in the grip of a disaster, be it the Earth imploding, aliens attacking or some asteroid crash, it takes something bigger than nations and religions and by then it would be so far to late as to make no odds…..glad i will be worm food_____________________________
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10th January 2020 at 8:36 am #58148Been following this thread with great interest, as somebody who has spent the last nine years working in the Environmental sector of the Oil & Gas Industry and Chucky feels the need to chuck out a couple of comments, especially with regards to the numbers the pupstar has added to the debate on the first comment of this page.
Now, I’m sure the % mentioned are correct, on the basis of how much of worlds pollution is created per country but those numbers I’m sure do not take into consideration of the population of those countries. (A perfect example would be to compare India with a population of 1,369 Billion people and their 7% and Japan with a population of 126 million and their 4%, do any of you need a calculator to work out which country creates more pollution per person???)
If you actually judge countries by the pollution they create vs their respective population, you’ll find that the ME region is by far the worst (by virtue of the energy used for a combination of A/C everywhere, their desalinization plants. and the fact if/when they need more they just drill another hole in the ground so the need to be economical is irrelevant), followed by all the so called “Western” countries (basically the EU, North America, Australia, South Africa and Eastern Asia). Pointing fingers at the so-called “developing” nations is just plan wrong.
In fact, if every person in the world had the same carbon footprint as your average Indian, we wouldn’t have anywhere near the problems we have now (most tables will show you India barely cracks the top 100 when it comes down to “per person”).
Buffy isn’t wrong when he states it a unilateral problem, after all pollution doesn’t recognize borders, but I’m afraid he is wrong with the notion of pointing his fingers at developing countries like India (not so much China, US, or Japan). And it’s only going to get worse. Do any of us really have the moral high ground to point fingers at the billions of people living in the developing nations who aspire to a lifestyle us westerners have?? No, we do not and good luck to those of you who are trying to “sell” that idea.
Next time any of you jump in your car to drive to the shops to pick up your veggies driven up from Spain, or go to the shops to buy your goods shipped from China, or jump on a plane for your holiday’s in Italy, you’re creating far more pollution than the billions of people on this planet who do not have access to these luxuries.
And, yes, I’m just as guilty as all of you.
But pointing fingers at anybody else is just plan wrong. This is a problem which all of us can help solve… if we can only get our lazy pampered Arsenal’s of the sofa!!
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10th January 2020 at 8:57 am #58149Buffy hasnt pointed his finger at indians or anyone, without your industry knowledge i went on the figures provided but it was trying to make a point, the USA WONT do a damn thing anyone wants and pulls out of all things meant to help, ALL countries will look after their own selves as a nation first and until everyone can sit round a table and agree on doing the same measures nothing will change and that just wont happen, environment is far below, Religion, Cash and all the other things the avergae joe cares about
i for one am pointing no fingers but at the human raise, the virus that is, Smith had that right….
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10th January 2020 at 9:08 am #58151Maybe I could have phrased that better cyber chum, apologies, (and as for the US, they were actually making quite significant improvements until that fooking Pumpkin got elected!).
But yes, all countries do look after themselves first and foremost, just like every person looks after themselves first and foremost. That’s where the problem is!
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10th January 2020 at 9:18 am #58152it is indeed, when you ahve all the wars and death and issues being fought over some imgainery being in the year 2020 and people in the UK going to food banks and animal species dieing out at an increasing rate…..the one thing the Matrix got right is, we are a virus and Smiths explanation as to why is spot on
I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and we are the cure.
nothing will change until something so big, so massive happens that it cannot be ignore becuase to do so would see the death of the planet or more importantly the human race, and by then we will just move to the stars and do it all again and again
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10th January 2020 at 9:24 am #58153Ahh… that’s the Smith!! Was a bit confused (as Chucky is a Smith in RL!) by that! 🙂
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10th January 2020 at 9:40 am #58154blimey thats a spooky coincedence! thought youd have gotten that but can see why not now!
happy with Maureen?
since yove been very quiet lately!_____________________________
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10th January 2020 at 9:44 am #58155Not a lot to shout about with regards to footy, havn’t watched a game since I turned it off at Half-time against Brighton… the footballing Gods have delivered the footballing Anti-Christ and our players are dropping like locusts. Be back in 2022 or something with the 2nd coming of Poncho! 🙂
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10th January 2020 at 9:53 am #58156looks like your are getting Piatek from AC and walker peters may be going out? that one seems odd!
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10th January 2020 at 10:16 am #58157Wouldn’t know Paitek from my elbow and Wee-Walker is pants…
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10th January 2020 at 10:19 am #58158i heard spuds fans were upset due to the fact he is at least a recognised RB and you dont have one!?
ah well looks like the full Maureenitiis has kicked in and your down with a dose! chin up you may only be working 4 day weeks and 6 hours a day soon!
and you PMQ must be a much better watch 😉
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10th January 2020 at 10:27 am #581594 day weeks and 6 hours a day?!?!?!? Ain’t doing overtime!?!?!?!?
(I’ll take the 70% pay-rise though, my boss went white when he saw that! 🙂 )
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10th January 2020 at 10:50 am #58160Steveo, interestingly, the movement of Extinction Rebellion is not so much rooted in concerns about the climate, but in a loathing of colonialism, as is said here by a cofounder of the movement:
But I’m afraid this is the way of the world. The world really is the story of empire and power, and power stretches as far as it can until it hits a brick wall, tending to cause wars in its wake. And even the more benevolent empires need to attain a degree of wealth if they are to survive. So that’s just the way things will be. So I wouldn’t so much blame colonialism or “European toxicity” as the article suggests, though undoubtedly, there has been exploitation that has had an impact. The real problem for me, certainly of the last century, is one of consumerism and of more recently, disposable consumerism, which latterly has caused so much of the plastic waste that’s so devastating. One of the best documentaries I’ve watched in recent years is called “Century of the Self” by Adam Curtis. It’s a long documentary (should be on youtube somewhere), but it’s a very good analysis of why the West took the path it did over the last century, certainly with regards to consumerism and the culture of want, want, want.
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10th January 2020 at 11:18 am #58162Mikus, good post, the issue is so vast we could look at it form so many agles going back through history, i do think that the main catalyst was post 2nd world war, and the consumerism and disposable must have now microwave culture that developed ….heaqrd of that doc before but not seen it, ive made a note and will check it out!
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10th January 2020 at 12:44 pm #58163Anonymous
Stevo watch anything by Adam Curtis… brilliant viewing… The power of nightmares is pretty brilliant too. anyhow.. Cant wait for my job to be automated so I can retire in my driverless car and booze on the road.
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