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7th January 2020 at 7:17 am #57926
Criticalmak… In my finest Greta accent – HOW DARE YOU… Sadly mate, I think her message isnt for you, you’re already in the church of the converted.
I think its about scaring people her own age, to do that she has to use the latest technology and communication to get a message out there lost behind the staggering vanity that is social media. Narcissists the lot of them at an early early age. It’s probably her generation that will make our old age dull by removing cars and driving, plastics etc. Something has to change so why not let a young person have a chance at doing what our generations canoot because we’re too invested in money and profit to change it.
If you look at how the voluntary organ donation legislation debate has changed, its because its become normalised to talk about it in schools to sway opinion. Nudge theory going mad… still better than elf and safety going mad.
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7th January 2020 at 7:35 pm #57964Whilst there may, on the surface, seem good intentions behind the Greta Thunberg phenomenon, whenever I hear phrases or shouts like “We’ve got to do something!”, then short term panicked and ultimately ineffective actions usually follow. A perfect example is the recent admission that such a quick drive to non fossil fuelled technologies has actually increased a very powerful greenhouse gas SF6. More information here:
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7th January 2020 at 7:35 pm #57965The cost and lifespan of offshore wind turbines has also been questioned.
https://www.ft.com/content/f19f4944-a11a-11e7-b797-b61809486fe2And then there’s the poorer people who will inevitably be hurt the most by increases in green levies on their bills and we recently saw how the gilet jaune in France reacted to the planned tax increases on diesel and petrol.
And then there’s the vast increases in output from China & India. Has Thunberg been there yet?
Like all problems, it’s key to look at the long term solutions, not short term panicked ones. Just as in football. Throwing money around in a panicked way as opposed to looking at the long term tends to be strategically disastrous.
If I was Thunberg, I’d concentrate more on local issues like air pollution in cities, with slogans like “everybody deserves clean air”. I think that would gain more traction and sympathy with people than the current campaign which gets quite aggressive at times and only serves to get people’s backs up.
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7th January 2020 at 8:30 pm #57970To be fair Greta has raised the profile of the problems especially amongst the young but she’s fragile and her Father said his daughter had struggled with depression for “three or four years” before she began her school strike.
“She stopped talking… she stopped going to school,” he said.
He added that it was the “ultimate nightmare for a parent” when Greta began refusing to eat.
To help her get better, Mr Thunberg spent more time with Greta and her younger sister, Beata, at their home in Sweden. Greta’s mother, opera singer and former Eurovision Song Contest participant Malena Ernman, cancelled contracts so the whole family could be together.
The family also sought help from doctors, Mr Thunberg said. Greta was diagnosed with Asperger’s – a form of autism – aged 12.
Personally for her sake I would like to see her step away from all this and return to a normal life alongside the necessary help to overcome her problems how possible all that is now is open to conjecture.
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8th January 2020 at 2:41 am #57991Spot on 9, what ever side of the climate debate your on she is a youngster that shouldn’t be used as to push an agenda, she should be able grow up without some of the crap she’s had to endure. I’m neither here nor there in regards to the climate debate, I think it’s a combination of things but either way a youngster shouldn’t be the global face of one side of this debate.
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8th January 2020 at 2:33 pm #58033Anonymous
Mikus. Technology will improve as will lifespan. Hydro power is only profitable because its subsidised in the balkans… but it kills local wildlife up stream etc. There is little room anywhere in europe to place new hydro dams… So Guess what, theyre now thinking about upgrading them. Which will make them more efficient and produce more power from the same flows. Isnt technology wonderful? But then there is also other ways to improve the efficiency of power grids, making houses less carbon reliant etc that will all help.
Here’s a positive article probably not funded by a think tank of big business in the FT… Gaddafi had a stake in the FT hence why i consider it to be posh shit rag. 😉
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8th January 2020 at 2:56 pm #58039Anonymous
Oz, The crap she deals with comes from older men and women who disagree with her or who are on the pay roll of big business… Trump? a man who owes his tenure to the fossil fuel industry… Putin, the worlds richest man through mineral and petro dollars is going to agree with her? Someone who has brought up a family through a salary theyve earnt selling petrol in a station or working on a rig in the north sea is clearly going to disagree. Someone who makes plastic bags and straws will disagree. Haulage drivers and tech guys who need colbalt and ion lithium will disagree. People who drive will disagree. Her ideas attack the ease of life we have built for ourselves, so therefore, people find them challenging… and disagree with her. Shes simply saying what weve all been taught at school and either forgot or chose to ignore for inconvenience.
Yes, i agree children should be left to be children, but she is 16 and a teenager, an age where individuals become politically aware, but also what if what she is doing makes her happy and comes from her after her parents spent time with her trying to work her out? Surely she should be encouraged to do what she feels makes her happiest, and perhaps demanding climate change does? and 9, Autistic children have a particular view on things that doesnt really change. Her autism led her down the path that makes her happiest?!
In fact, for most commentating on here, myself included, its too late for us to make decisions. So the drive has to come from the young who will change things to the way they want it. I cant wait for hyperloop to take me places… But again, I wont live long enough to see it… Or the impeding wars over water resources, or arable land. They wil happen when the sunbelt expands. The last couple of months weve seen Australia record the hottest temperatures on record and burn… people regularly die from smog in China and India… there are links to heavy industry and cancer rates… See Port Talbot in south Wales and other heavy industry areas around europe. The UK govt miss sold the perks of diesel adn was considered more economical then the price overtook unleaded,VW hoodwinked emissions tests and sold millions of cars around europe that are currently polluting the air across the mainland. Plane travel, despite being more effiecnt than previous years warms up the planet with con trails. See grounding of planes over US after sept 11.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/08/020808075457.htmAnyhow, deny it all you want, change is coming, most likely man made, and anyone over 30 probably wont have to deal with it cause you’ll be worm food and organic matter.
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8th January 2020 at 3:51 pm #58058442 – agree with you completely. She is an easy target for those who have an agenda, and also those who sit behind their keyboards taking the piss out of her for a variety of reasons. I should clarify I’m not pointing the finger at anyone on here – I’d like to think there is a modicum of good sense alive on this forum – but I think she is to be commended for her passion and her resolve in this debate. God knows, we criticise the young for not being politically and socially active enough. I think it is absolutely brilliant that she has got the world talking about this problem, and all power to her, I say. If she is the catalyst to get the world to work on resolving the global warming issue, then good on her.
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8th January 2020 at 4:52 pm #58060Anonymous
442, I just don’t think her message is a positive one, for any age group. I’m reasonably sure that both her parents are ANTIFA , and we’re all allowed our own opinions on these kinds of groups but I have nothing but a negative opinion of them. They are apparently anti-fascist, yet their actions are remarkably like the fascists they apparently hate. They do not believe in free-speech, so I have absolutely no time for them.
Obviously we need attitudes to change regards the environment and yes, social media is basically a cesspool in terms of information and social development. It really fails to be what it could, because of negative personal/social traits of people and corporate interests, in general.
There’s no getting around confirmation bias and all the other nasty things that prevent us from getting the best out of something as wonderful as the internet and I would put appeals to emotion right up there alongside some of the most nefarious elements.
We can agree to disagree and try not to offend each-other when it comes to our position on this but for me, we need a better candidate and or medium to make a real difference. You won’t achieve anything by going up to someone and saying “hey, you’re a stupid idiot, agree with me!”, no matter if your position is correct. All you do is make the people who are already on your side smile. You’ve literally changed no minds because since people don’t like to be called a fool, they close their minds to you.
I told you lads, I’m mostly liberal politically. Yet, I can see why the other side dislike her and her family. I’d much prefer to have someone who comes from a much more rational position than a home-school antifa family.
Personally, I’ll stick to listening to Bill Gate, Elon Musk and other well educated, incredibly intelligent people who speak with elegance and substance. it helps that they are billionaires and are investing Billions and convincing others to spend big too. They are the ones who will help put the wrongs, right.
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8th January 2020 at 5:23 pm #58065If Sir David Attenborough tells us she’s made more people aware of climate change than he has in the last 20 years , that’s good enough for me.
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8th January 2020 at 5:28 pm #58066That’s a very good point Shiney.
I think it’s now about where she can effectively take it from here and what would be best for her personally.
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8th January 2020 at 7:26 pm #580689, and that’s where the problems start,until governments finally accept the planet as we know it is under threat all she will be is a voice.
Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970, leading the world’s foremost experts to warn that the annihilation of wildlife is now an emergency that threatens civilisation.If there was a 60% decline in the human population, that would be equivalent to emptying North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceania.” That is the scale of what we have done.”
Maybe we should start listening !!!_____________________________
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8th January 2020 at 8:19 pm #58076The problem with offshore wind technology is that the cost is not going down because the capital costs are going up as the projects move to deeper and deeper water.
(From Prof Gordon Hughes, Dr Capell Aris and Dr John Constable, https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/949ff02c-a539-11e7-b797-b61809486fe2)
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8th January 2020 at 8:20 pm #58077And if we look at how Germany and Merkel are getting on, they are struggling to meet their targets, as the Greens also want to get rid of nuclear power as quickly as possible.
I just think Thunberg needs to accept there are no easy solutions, as opposed to demanding them. And as above, the problems aren’t necessarily technological, they’re political along with the “Not in my back yards!”. As I say she would gain more traction if she targeted the more local and individual actions that could be taken.
To change the world, you first start with yourself.
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8th January 2020 at 8:23 pm #58080And if we look at how Germany and Merkel are getting on, they are struggling to meet their targets, as the Greens also want to get rid of nuclear power as quickly as possible.
I just think Thunberg needs to accept there are no easy solutions, as opposed to demanding them. And as above, the problems aren’t necessarily technological, they’re political along with the “Not in my back yards!”. As I say she would gain more traction if she targeted the more local and individual actions that could be taken.
To change the world, you first start with yourself.
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8th January 2020 at 8:24 pm #58081And if we look at how Germany and Merkel are getting on, they are struggling to meet their targets, as the Greens also want to get rid of nuclear power as quickly as possible.
I just think Thunberg needs to accept there are no easy solutions, as opposed to demanding them. And as above, the problems aren’t necessarily technological, they’re political along with the “Not in my back yards!”. As I say she would gain more traction if she targeted the more local and individual actions that could be taken.
To change the world, you first start with yourself._____________________________
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8th January 2020 at 8:25 pm #58082And if we look at how Germany and Merkel are getting on, they are struggling to meet their targets, as the Greens also want to get rid of nuclear power as quickly as possible, leaving them with even fewer options.
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8th January 2020 at 8:27 pm #58084I just think Thunberg needs to accept there are no easy solutions, as opposed to demanding them. And as above, the problems aren’t necessarily technological, they’re political along with the “Not in my back yards!”. As I say she would gain more traction if she targeted the more local and individual actions that could be taken.
To change the world, you first start with yourself.
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9th January 2020 at 3:44 am #58101442 there’s arguments for either side of the climate change debate & I often nod at both sides when they make a point. However using a 16 year old girl to push an agenda is wrong IMO. Yeah she’s passionate & it’s great young people have a voice but she’s not even old enough to go into a pub or vote or all the other stuff ADULTS do & I fail to see any benefit for her to be put at the forefront of such a heated subject other than give those on her side some sort of moral high ground.
Anyhow here’s to a return to football & a continuation of Liverpool’s charge to the ever elusive holy grail._____________________________
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9th January 2020 at 3:45 am #58102Spot on Mikus, no easy solutions for this subject.
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