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      What is everyone’s thoughts on maybe city being banned?


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        jealousy as usual eufa and fifa don’t want clubs and especially English clubs to become too powerful or over successful, The media and fans in other countries as well.


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        Chucky McChuckface

          On one hand, I think they’re stupid rules, on the other hand, they are the rules and if a club has broken them then the club involved deserves to be punished as set out in the rules…


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            City having 2 points deducted from the current campaign seems a fair punishment to me… 😀

            If you’re going to make them so that everything should be all fair and wonderful in the world of football then at least do it properly. No more we’ll punish you but if you don’t like that you can argue against us and we’ll postpone or suspend the punishment, or that teams can use the more underhand ways to bypass it, like selling your shirt privileges to a womans team with the same owner. Do it, but do it properly.

            I actually think it’s too little too late, should be implemented correctly many years ago. Teams like Chelsea and City have already benefited to such a degree they now stand with false/undeserved statue within the game and all it means now is it’s damn hard for others to make the step up.


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              There is an underlying agenda with this. UEFA and Barca,Real,Bayern etc are worried English clubs and the EPL are getting too powerful. Solution?
              Ban Chelsea transfers with no appeal
              Stop City. They are getting too good

              And yet, as I have expressed before, hundreds of millions of debt and losses is OK but investment direct or indirect by the owner is not. I would add I AM NOT a fan of money wins all but it is the current way. FFP just supports the PREVIOUS ELITE.

              We will get banned but not without a fight. Taking this to court will open up a can of worms for those other clubs.


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                Keep hearing the conspiracy theory against English clubs but not seen one ounce of evidence. It’s not “stop City they are getting too good” (if they were, they’d dominate Europe, which they haven’t shown any signs of doing so), but probably more like “Stop City, they are gaining an unfair advantage by violating FFP.”

                Galatasaray served a ban from Europe for FFP, pretty sure they do not cause fear amongst Europe’s elite.


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                nine nine nine

                  threeps, “I actually think it’s too little too late, should be implemented correctly many years ago. Teams like Chelsea and City have already benefited to such a degree they now stand with false/undeserved statue within the game and all it means now is it’s damn hard for others to make the step up.”

                  You won’t find a Chelsea fan who doesn’t agree that Roman’s investment lifted Chelsea to a different level trophy wise and a seat at the top table but what happened at Chelsea was no different to the Moore’s family investment in Liverpool which took them to new levels in the 70’s and 80’s. Different times but the same strategy that other Clubs at the time struggled to compete with.

                  Just for the sake of accuracy Chelsea FC have never been accused, investigated or charged with any impropriaties in respect of the FFP rules and in fact the Club have bent over backwards to ensure they operate within the FFP rules.


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                    Let me make it clear.
                    I AM in favour of some form of FFP BUT it has to be fair and equal to all.
                    What is worse…
                    The owner providing equity and direct or indirect support or……
                    Clubs having increasing debt to finance operations
                    Being supported by Govt or local authority
                    Having debts written off
                    Selling land to Govt at inflated prices

                    UEFA etc would be better served by understanding FAIR. OK so we get banned from the CL for a year thats it.

                    Have a look at the FFP rules

                    Per UEFA
                    Financial Fair Play is considered to have specifically contributed to the turnaround in club football finances by:

                    • Directly restricting some of the most excessive loss-making clubs, by concluding 28 settlement agreements designed to bring these clubs back to operating at break-even, in many cases featuring specific transfer and wage restrictions;
                    • Preventing the build-up of debt by requiring the owners or shareholders of more than 50 clubs with smaller losses to raise or inject new capital to cover these losses;
                    • Disincentivising clubs from delaying payments by applying tough sanctions, including the exclusion from UEFA club competitions;
                    • Creating an environment that encourages new and continued owner investment, attracted by a properly regulated market;
                    • Inspiring the introduction of parallel domestic rules, based on the principles of Financial Fair Play and tailored to the specific environment;
                    • Increasing the public and media attention given to club finances, thereby increasing the accountability of club directors and owners to running clubs in a sustainable way.

                    Despite the significant improvement in the underlying health of European club finances since the introduction of Financial Fair Play, it is important that UEFA and the clubs avoid complacency. It is also important to recognise Financial Fair Play for what it is and is not, a financial control system designed to reduce the worst excesses, rather than an attempt to make clubs more equal or address other challenges faced by club football. The 2018 version of the Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations can be seen here.

                    I draw attention to their second bullet in particular.
                    Also encouraging continued owner investment(ie rather than debt)


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                      Haha Nine I knew that paragraph would get a reaction from you! Yeah you make a fair point, it has always happened, maybe in different circumstances and with different quantity. Not many people mention Blackburn but they were probably the first ones that opened my eyes to “buying the league”.


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                        Dead right. Blackburn with huge owner investment and at the time NO DEBT!


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                          Yep the Moores family/Littlewoods same thing just smaller amounts. That was OK though.


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                          nine nine nine

                            All pro rata threeps back then nobody could compete with Liverpool’s spending and they got stronger and stronger thanks to the Moore’s family.


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                              This is so true.
                              And there was the duff meat seller. So it goes on.
                              Today just bigger sums.


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                              nine nine nine

                                Adlab, FFP states Club’s can’t spend more than they earn in Bona fide revenues.

                                But let’s not jump to any conclusions just yet despite the latest media hype this one has been kicking around for a while and to date UEFA have taken no action.

                                City not being allowed to compete in Europe would just increase the difficulties of Clubs competing with them in the PL which is not a good thing imo.


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                                  Less games, less injuries, more recovery time. Other teams should be hoping we avoid sanction.


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                                  Chucky McChuckface

                                    Is that how we’re spinning it? Let’s hope City don’t get banned so the rest of us have a slightly better chance of winning the PREM? That’s a funny one… 🙂

                                    Like I said, like then or not, the rules are there and if they have been broken, then the team involved, whoever it is, should be punished… not really much to debate here to be honest, I think we’re all bored as the footy is pretty much down and dusted until August… 🙂


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                                    Chucky McChuckface

                                      I got a better punishment, how about we make City play in both the CL and Europa at the same time with the same 25 man squad, and if they don’t win both, then it’s a 5 year ban from Europe and a 2 billion euro fine?? 🙂

                                      Gives us all a chance in the PREM, and you never know, they might get themselves relegated!


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                                      nine nine nine

                                        “I think we’re all bored as the footy is pretty much down and dusted until August… ?”

                                        Only two European Finals to go Chucky one of which is probably the most important game in Sours history? ?


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                                        Chucky McChuckface

                                          Didn’t you know, puppy? It’s already been awarded to Liverpool, as they “deserve” it apparently… 🙂

                                          (And nobody other than you, Buffy, and my pet tortoise Alan, give a monkeys about the other one! 🙂 )


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                                          sean the sailor

                                            You can not compare Chelsea and cities spending to the Morse’s family lol

                                            Utd were buying players like Neil Webb, ince , pallister for millions in 88/89 when Liverpool were dominant.

                                            Chelsea brought it to a totally different level and city followed. Let’s not try and butter it up any other way.

                                            You can not compare anything to their spending


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