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  • #21563

      Get your predictions in for the final round of games!

      [fp-predictionform match=”373-383″]


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      Chucky McChuckface

        I heard a rumor the winner of the prediction League wins a ticket to the Champions League Final, which may be impressive on Steady Eddy’s part, but I feel is a bit unfair on the real fans, taking up tickets for competitions and all that…


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            Mav!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Come on here!

            Good choice of Artist mate. Siobhan’s the best and still a beauty.



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              On the subject of Footy itself, been wrapped up in work all day and enjoying it, I can say, I’ve not missed Football at all. Work duties tomorrow too but will be in time for the final 3’O’Clocks.

              I just want Harry and Megan’s Wedding now in show and The European Cup Final. I can’t believe Liverpool are going to be there, it’s truly incredible to imagine, believe and just to now digest it all in.



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                Nil-I would shag all 3 of the Banaramas,both Harry and Megan,and Banjo & Chucky.


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                  Lol, hello mate, But Chucky is now taking Banjo to the Seaside – to build some Sand-castles ๐Ÿ˜€

                  New Entry hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚

                  Keren, Sara, and Siobhan are nearly pretty much old enough to be my Mum, hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚

                  Just sit back and enjoy their music mate ๐Ÿ™‚


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                    The older the sexier these women mate.Even better re Banjo & Chucky- sex on a beach.


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                    Chucky McChuckface

                      What’s the scores on the doors? Do I win Double H’s ticket to the Final????


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                      nine nine nine

                        The top 4 is the correct top 4 and despite Chelsea’s mishaps v Huddersfield and Newcastle would have been the top 4 even if Chelsea had won both those games. Best of luck to all the CL qualifiers for next season’s CL all fully deserved.


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                          Will put up the final tables tomorrow Chucky. It’s been far too nice a day here in Stockholm to sit and update them today! ?


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                            How’s it been over your way Chucky?


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                              Beautiful here right now in the East Midlands Ed – evening Sunshine but not too warm – got my little gem of my Air Fan and he is pretty quiet – not sounding like an Aeroplane ready to take off from the Runway hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Bloody banking for once Eddy, 28ยดC and sun shining everywhere… been wearing flip-flops all day and got sun-tan lines on my feet!


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                                sean the sailor

                                  I think Liverpool and spurs have over achieved this season

                                  We sold our supposedly best player in Jan and never replaced him

                                  For me, Klopp doesnโ€™t get the credit he deserves. A 2nd European final in two years. We have a budget. We donโ€™t buy made ready stars. We turn them into stars

                                  The pressure is in him now though to deliver a cup though. Heโ€™s lost his last 5 finals. He needs to get that bad record off his back. No one expected us to get to the final. We donโ€™t have a big squad. Itโ€™s one of the weakest if not weakest of the top 6.

                                  People said we would get burnt out and it was looking that way as the squad was so weak but we have pulled through

                                  He makes good signings and improves players. Vvd was huge money but well worth it. Salah has gone beyond everyoneโ€™s expectations.

                                  Cl win would be unreal but genuine progress is being made. If we play like we can then we have a massive chance but weโ€™re playing a hugely expierenced side.

                                  To get top 4 and into a cl final is massive. Even if we lose, the future is bright. We have young team fill of running and energy. We are fantastic to watch. Delighted we have klopp


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                                  nine nine nine

                                    Didn’t both Spurs and Liverpool qualify for the CL last season though Sean?

                                    It’s always 4 from 6 with the occasional interloper breaking in mate and it will probabky be 4 from the sane 6 next season too with the two most underperforming teams as Chelsea and Arsenal were this season dropping by the wayside.


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                                    sean the sailor

                                      Ye we didnโ€™t qualify for successive cl in ten years nine

                                      Look at the other squads around us?

                                      Chelsea win the league last year. So no credit to spurs or Liverpool who have the weakest squads and lowest net spends?

                                      We are there because the others didnโ€™t perform? We are there because we were better then the others and got more points. So Chelsea won the league last season as city under performied lol

                                      Give a bit of credit weโ€™re its due mate


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                                      sean the sailor

                                        Sorry nine didnโ€™t read your post on first page were you gave credit to the teams

                                        Apologies mate


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                                        nine nine nine

                                          Sean, no worries mate credit where credit is due. Tbh I do think City underperformed last season and with the squad Pep inherited and the players bought he let Chelsea get away with one last season. But I think Pep might make us all pay for that over the next few seasons. Cheers 999


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                                          sean the sailor

                                            City getting 100 points is remarkable mate

                                            They were superb this season


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