Home Community General Football Festive season greetings- Ønsker jer alle en god jul og et godt nytår

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      Wishing you all a very festive period,a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.Loads of success in family,work,but most importantly-health.

      Shiney,3x9s,and whoever else I cant remember has health issues to deal with,hope you guys all get better.Yes we support different clubs,have different views,opinions,but when it comes to the things that matter we are all humans[well,you lot are,Im a Klingon],but who cares anyway,eh?

      toivottaen kaikille hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta


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        Mav 🙂 🙂 🙂


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          God jul och ett gott nytt år till er allihopa!


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          nine nine nine

            Nice one Mav very much appreciated and totally reciprocated.

            A very Happy and Peaceful Christmas to everyone one on here.


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              Merry christmas to all and a happy new year! I hope you all get to spend it with the people most important to you ?

              PS How many Scandinavians or people living there on this site??! ?


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                Not me, I just have a German/Swedish/Finish girlfriend that speaks about 42 languages and wrote that for me.

                Sadly she speaks better English than me too.


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                  Threeps, mate, must be hard to get the last word just once in a while then ?

                  (which I can relate to ?)


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                    ???? Queen’s English Please ?????


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                      Srd79-Ed lives in Sweden,Kylie in Finland,and you are Danish.


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                        will get this in now

                        Firstly a big thank you to Sweedy Ed for cobbling this together to allow us to converse and rip each other

                        Now, in English first

                        Merry Christmas and a happy New year!


                        MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


                        MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


                        MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


                        MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


                        have a beaut you rippers!

                        and no i dont have a multi lingual lady to call upon 🙁

                        but thankfully i think i may just have gotten away with that!


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                          Buffy-How do you say all that in Essex-ian?


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                          Chucky McChuckface

                            “Oi, geezer, shit in yer hat and punch it!” would be my guess…


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                              Kylie-That sounds like Cockney.


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                              Chucky McChuckface

                                Essex, Romford, Watforjd, all the same, those pommies chaps!!


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                                Brian blue

                                  To all you guys….

                                  A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR

                                  to you and your families.

                                  Make the most of Christmas time with them….it is precious

                                  2020 will see the start of a better future for us all after a few bumps in the road but we will get there

                                  Thank you to Ed for keeping the forum going and Nine for keeping us grounded


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                                    What Nancy has done there is actually quite correct, its not cockney its mockney which is spoken by all the wide boys and girls who although born in Chelmsford or Southend or some such will talk as tho they could hear the bells (whatever bells you are meant to hear to be a cockney?) its all the plastic gangsters and wanna be’s…the real gangsters moved out of london in the 60’s to essex and the New towns like Basildon and Harlow (why they are as rough as fuck!) and brought the language with them and all since have copied all wanting to be from Landan innit bruv….sad all round really, the real Essex accent is more akin to suffolk and very country sounding, you only here that out in the small villages….speaking of which, there is a lovely tiny village out towards Colchester (oldest recorded town in Britain) called…and i kid you not…..

                                    Fingering Hoe!

                                    sums up Essex quite nicely!


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                                      Rachel Riley-My in-laws are partly Suffolk partly Surrey,but the Suffolk part sounds very much posh,maybe because they are all Oxford educated,but noffin like Essex ,innit bruv.
                                      Basildon you say,did you ever get to see Depeche Mode live,or maybe even meet any of Dave,Martin or Andy?
                                      Around where you live,do they all sound like that fat,beardy actor,West Aaam fan,they one who does the advert for Sportsbet,his name escapes me??


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                                        Merry Christmas to you all and I was impressed with that Swedish Threeps!

                                        Never mind the thanks to me, it’s me who should be thanking you all for making the site worth the time I put into it. Special thanks to Nine for making my job of moderating almost redundant.


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                                        nine nine nine

                                          It’s still thanks to you and your efforts though Ed that this site exists and prospers.

                                          An Ed who cares about the site and is interested in the site and contributes to the site as you do makes an enormous difference.

                                          Of course the posters are a significant part and the more the merrier but without you none of us would be posting on here and we should all be grateful for that.

                                          I hope everyone had a great Christmas day and that everyone goes on to enjoy this Christmas period whatever the results of today.


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                                            After that fantastic performance away against. i’m worried that we may be come complecent and lose focus against Southampton. and after that we have an away match against Arsenals well. so its easy to brush this game under the carpet. i hope Frank is alert on this scennario.


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