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      Well this season has been a kick in the nuts, it is bad enough watching Liverpool being 15 clear, but the way United have been playing has been shocking. Ole knew he was getting the job permanently after United turned around the 1st leg against PSG, that is certain for sure. So why on earth has he gone from a manager who played 4-3-3 and 4-1-4-1 giving midfielders and the forward line freedom and enjoyment to 4-2-3-1 and put the shackles on. He went from a man who had nothing to lose to a man who crawled in to a shell and was afraid of losing his job. The squad is not great, we all will agree to that, but the team he puts out should be doing a lot better. Another mess made by Woodward, who just obviously has not got a clue in what he is doing when it comes to the footballing side of things. The club has spent a lot of money post Ferguson and look at where we are. It is obvious we need a DoF in place, yet Woodward obviously is struggling to find one. Any other company would have got rid of Woodward by now, but considering he brokered the deal for the Glazer takeover, he has a job for life.

      Rant over.


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        BBC are reporting that the board want Ole sacked, with Woodward hesitant on making the decision. A heavy defeat to Liverpool will change that.


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          Where are you seeing that CM?


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              Also read a tweet that stated that Woodward was the only 1 who is stopping Ole from losing his job. They also referenced the BBC.


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                Yeah I’ve not found anything on BBC though so not sure who they’re referring to


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                The Oracle

                  Sounds like the media trying to get him sacked. Last season he enjoyed the new manager bounce, that’s gone. He needs to get rid of the toxic Pogba and sign a quality striker.


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                    Yep, just had a look Ed. Looks like someone has made something up, then mentioned the bbc and then a few have followed on it.


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                    nine nine nine

                      Suggestions of Ole bring sacked if they lose to Luverpool is coming from the back pages of todays press.

                      Allegedly he told the players in the dressing room after the Newcastle game that the players would get him sacked?

                      Problem with sacking Old now is that it probably wouldn’t change that much someone like Allegri even though he’s free probably wouldn’t want to take over in mid season and it would mean an inexperienced Carrick having to take United until the end of the season.


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                        Nine, you say it wouldn’t change that much but how often do we see a new caretaker manager coming in and things suddenly picking up? Often the manager in question doesn’t need to be better in any way. It’s enough that a change happens for things to start turning around, albeit in the short term (which is all that would be needed before a proper appointment is done in the summer). Assuming we lose to Liverpool, it’s about halting the decline rather than looking to bring in a “better” coach. Ole’s own caretaker spell is evidence of the above


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                        nine nine nine

                          Ed, yes just like Ole there might well be an initial upturn that’s not unusual but United’s current problems are more down to an incoherent transfer policy , a heavy injury list and selling two strikers without replacing them.

                          Tbh I’m not sure the majority of the current youth at United are good enough for United which seems to be a part of Ole’s current strategy, they were in 1992 but the current crop are a long way away from them imo.


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                            We have too many bad apples in that side in order for anything to change long term. It is evident the players have stopped playing for Ole, even with Ole’s formation change, the current crop are playing at least 50% of what they are capable of. Unfortunately the inmates have taken over the asylum at United. They got bored of Jose, now Ole, who ever comes in will probably start off well and then the players will just get bored of them and the cycle will continue. That’s why the club is in a desperate need of a DoF, someone who can take a grip of things on the footballing side because Woodward has shown he has been poor at it.


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                              Just like @ Spurs,United too needs to part ways with their manager.I agree that some players have stopped playing and dont care less.The injuries are not helping at all,but appointing Carrick wiuld be suicidal.


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                                The Caretaker part of it showed a good pattern of results and consistency.

                                Given Full-reigns so far has not necessarily been a good start, but the team has lacked goals. The players have to play their part and step-up.

                                I know there was suggestions in the possibility of Roy Keane and Neil Lennon which does sound promising, but would that happen?

                                It’s still a tad early to judge, and I honestly don’t understand this talk of relegation. Should Liverpool win, I don’t think that should render Ole being shown the Door.


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                                  I simply dont understand how players can literally switch off overnight. The team that replaced the side that got Jose the sack was championship winning form. It was playing with real gusto and was up and at teams. It was like Fergusson had walked into the dressing room.
                                  Then ole was offered and signed a contract and the dashing team that replaced Jose’s vanished and the Jose side returned and has been limping on ever since.

                                  It happened at Chelsea under numerous managers, it was horrendous at times seeing players just going through the mills, no passion or commitment. sadly it came as no surprise fans wanted and chanted for the end of some of the managers.

                                  But it is simply about player power. United probably need to ditch anyone over 23 and go from there. Get players through who have an affinity with the club and want to do well.
                                  Chelsea fans are up there with the most stupid at times… but the youth team has given everyone something to shout about despite the fact its Sunday league defending at times, perhaps the fans can relate to that… or its CFC getting an identity back – perhaps its what united need, a new identity, and if that is the case, you’ll need to hire a manager that hasn’t had a character bypass and sounds like Mr dead in every presser.

                                  Its not really a premiership title race without united in the mix no matter how much love pep and klopp get. Looking forward to CFC joining it in the next couple of seasons.


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                                  nine nine nine

                                    In the words of my good friend Allan (Palmeab) in a recent e mail to me perhaps it’s just in our blood.

                                    “I have still not seen a full Chelsea game this season; just bits & pieces and a couple of MOTD sequences.Much of what I see reminds me of the 1963/64 season when, having spent a year in Division Two we were now back in Division One. The then boss, Tommy Docherty, had opted earlier to replace much of the former staff and the Bright Young Things came to the fore in 1962/63 where a brilliant start was compromised by a terrible winter and a consequential lack of maturity to deal with it. Now back in Division One the big question was “can this young side cope”? Well, there were some odd results but we finished fifth and this was well deserved because, in our bright new kit worn by bright young players soon to be the pride of the King’s Road, we played some pretty decent football. The following season we were even better and led the league for much of the campaign with even more youngsters but we lacked maturity in the run-in and fell behind Manchester United to finish third. With these memories I have never doubted the likelihood of youngsters being introduced…..given that they had quality, of course. Thus, as our current team started to age I was always supportive of the Academy leading the way to our future. Therefore I cannot help a little smile when I read “who could possibly have forecast this change of fortune and attitude at Stamford Bridge”?

                                    Chelsea almost certainly wouldn’t have appointed Lampard or turned so significantly to the youth despite their obvious qualities given what the youth teams had won at home and in Europe over a number of years were it not for the transfer ban.

                                    As for Ole some appointments work some appointments don’t work when Pep was appointed to manage Barcelona despite his Barca heritage it could have been a massive mistake history has proved it wasn’t Lampard might yet be proven to be a massive mistake results will ultimately be his judge but a Manager who took Cardiff into the Championship and had only previously managed Molde in the Norwegian League was always a risky full time appointment for a team as huge as United.

                                    The risk paid off for Barca Pep passed with flying colours Frank might well pass with flying colours at Chelsea or he might well eventually flounder Ole is already floundering and is probably close to drinking in the last chance saloon although I’m not sure he’s been helped by the United hierarchy but as always time and results will be their judge.


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                                      442, it’s largely down to now being allowed to formulate a team or build a team around a player from Scratch.

                                      This is Ole’s first full season and De Gea signed a new contract so the presumption is to build around him.

                                      People wherever they are in the hierarchy don’t know whether they are coming or going if there are frequent changes in a relatively short space of time.

                                      It was always going to be big boots to fill once SAF left the building.


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                                        Mr. Balance, building a team around one player is very short term and not really the way to do it, what happens if he’s injured or leaves? In my opinion you should have a club philosophy and you build a team around this, with the club implementing this from top to bottom and only buying in players that also fit…..Pagan


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                                          Form table since I believe Oli took over just after their win in Paris puts Utd in the bottom 3.

                                          1. LFC 51 pts
                                          2. MC 43
                                          3. LCFC 31
                                          4. CP 27
                                          5. CFC 26
                                          6. WHU 25
                                          7. ARS 25
                                          8. EFC 24
                                          9. BOU 22
                                          10. BUR 22
                                          11. TH 21
                                          12 WW 21
                                          13. NU 19
                                          14. SOU 19
                                          15. MU 17
                                          16. BRI 12
                                          17. WAT 10

                                          *3 missing due to relegation

                                          This is shocking for a team like Utd and it’s not just a blip, it’s nearly over half a season. I saw it on a forum where they were discussing if Utd could get relegated or not and my first thought was surely not but unless they improve could they end up in a fight?


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                                            Forgot to say, that’s 16 games for Utd, so nearly half a season (17 for most other teams, not sure if it takes into account Utd’s loss at Newcastle or if they played one game less from game week 30 onwards last season). Utd averaging either a point a game or 1.1, extrapolate that for the whole season gives you 38 or 40 points.


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